Monday, February 28, 2011

“No But Yes Is The Answer”

“Woman Number 13.”
“You are counting?”
”I want to see how many women he is going to date, before he settle down.”
“Are you jealous that he is with someone else?”
“You guy broke up 4 years ago and you still haven’t been on a date. Are you waiting on him?”
“He still talks about you.”
“And he won’t ever stop.”

Sunday, February 27, 2011

“A Spooky Story”

Around 1:30 AM, a man was walking home after hanging out with some of his friends. While on his way, he saw a child in the road. “But A… A! What this little child doing in the road at this hour of the morning!” He put the child on his back. The further he walked, the heavier the child got. At one point he felt as though he was carrying a ton of bricks, so he decided to put down the child. The child whispered in his ears, “Put me back where you get me."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

“Why Make Our Children Choose”

The day started out nice and I was hoping that it would stay that way, but hope is not fulfilled at times. While walking, a woman and her son were just ahead of me. What drew my attention to them was, the way in which she was tugging at a little boy’s hand.
“Mom, slow down,” said the child.
“No! Walk faster!” she shouted.
I was speculating about this situation, but a man, who was across the street called out to the child, so that shed light on the situation.
The child saw him and he started to smile then he said, “daddy.” The woman said, “I know you want to go and meet him, but you are not going.” She stood up and turned to the man, “Don’t you dare call my child. You are a good for nothing!” The child started to cry…

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Got To Talk About This"

My daughter's school and many other schools in the US took the International Comparison of Math, Reading, and Science Skills Among 15-Year-Olds... Her class was arguing about which country would win... They knew that the US was not going to be the number one country, but they expected and hoped that they would be in the first 10 countries... China is #1 and the US 23.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


There are times you ask a question and before the person starts answering it, you wish you never asked it in the first place. The moment they start answering it, you starts thinking that a simple yes or no would suffice…

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“I Am Re-energized”

I woke up this morning and I thank God for this day... Another day added to the history of my life. It took me a long time to fall asleep last night. The last time I looked at the clock it was saying 1:30AM and I was thinking that I would wake up feeling very tired, but I woke up re-energized to start the day… This day is another day that I am going to continue my journey, on the road to success…

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

“Never Presuppose”

After his boss retired, Jack presupposed that management would promote him to supervisor, because he had merit and seniority. He was surprised when the CEO called a staff meeting and introduced the new supervisor. It wasn’t easy to hear about this man’s credentials. He wanted to walk out of the meeting. Many people whispered to him that they thought he was next in line. He did not respond, but his disappointment showed. The CEO ended the meeting then he told Jack to come to his office…

Monday, February 21, 2011

“Another Day Another Story”

I woke up this morning and I thank God for making me see another day. It is snowing. I know some people love this snowy morning… I must agree that white on green or on any other color, looks nice… If I had my way the next time I see snow, it would be when I am watching the movie Cliffhanger…

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Words To Help You On Your Journey"

Be careful of the foot you step on, on your way up. It might be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow… Unknown Author.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

“Trust Broken”

When some one tells you something and they ask you not to repeat it, don’t ever repeat it. Repeating it might cause a problem that cannot be fixed. That’s what my sister told me. Her best friend told someone something she had told her in confidence. My sister was hurt and embarrassed.
I listened to my sister but I did not take heed... I broke my friend's trust. When I got caught, I felt as though the earth should open and swallow me.
In a very nice way, my friend came to me and she told me she knows that I told another person what she told me. I did not have a choice but to admit that I did. I knew that it would have been worse to try and defend myself with a lie. I was hurt because I hurt my friend and it hurt some more because I trusted the person I told, and I never expected her to divulge the information.
My friend told me that she would never speak to me again. At that point in time, I wanted to kill the person I had told. How could she do this to me? Then I realize that I should not blame her. It was my blunder. If I had not divulged the information, I would not be feeling like a zero. Everything that my sister told me was going around in my head and those words of advice from my mother also played in my head… ‘A STILL TONGUE KEEPS A WISE HEAD’. Things that you would not get back… ‘The neglected opportunity. The spoken word. The sped arrow. The past life and THE SPOKEN WORD’.

Friday, February 18, 2011

“The Goodly Man”

At 16, I was more aware of people and their attitudes. There were many people I liked and those I disliked, but I was always polite to everyone. A new couple moved into the neighborhood. As time went by, many people talked about how nice they were. The husband got most of the praises because all the females liked his good looks and his charisma. Even his wife, with her bubbly self, would always praise him. I couldn’t see what everyone saw in him, but I started to refer to him as the ‘goodly man’.
One day while I was on my way to school, I walked by the Goodly man's house. He was in the yard, standing by his car, shouting at his wife as she stood by the front door. She was looking at him with a hurt expression on her face. As he was about to sit in the car, she walked out of the house with a hammer, and she smashed the windshield then she looked at him and said, “I have been your punching bag for many years, and I am not taking it anymore. Every one will know the monster you are.”
“I wish you would fall and break your neck,” said the Goodly Man.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

“An Eerie Moment”

I remember walking to school one morning and a lady stood near a tree talking to a bird… “Why are you following me?” She asked.
I slowed my pace, then looked at the bird. It was sitting on a branch and it kept looking at the woman. The woman continued talking. “Every where I go, you are there. Last Sunday morning, you flew into church and you disrupted the service. Stop following me.”

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Success And Failure"

Ambitious is a woman.
She knows what she wants,
Strive to get it,
And she does.

Boastful is a woman.
She talks too much.
Dawdle to get it,
And she does not!

Courageous is a woman.
She stays on track
Struggle to get it,
And she does.

Doubtful is a woman.
She is blind.
Gets lost on the way to get it.
And she does not.

Enthusiastic is a woman.
She is open to anything,
Ardent to get it,
And she does.

Faithless is a woman.
She stumbles all the way,
Groping to get it,
And she does not.

Generous is a woman.
She is benevolent.
Freely gives it away.
She may get it back.

Hatred is a woman.
She is festering.
Cannot see it,
And never gets it.

Ignorance is a woman.
She is witless.
Don’t have a clue how to get it.
And she does not.

Joy is a woman.
She is love.
Elated to get it,
And she does.

Knowledgeable is a woman.
She is no mystery
Captures it.
And she gets it.
She is the ultimate woman.
(Taken from A Valentine Joseph… Nostalgia)

Monday, February 14, 2011

“A Real Love Story”

They were both six years old. His little heart felt glad every time he saw her. To him, she was the prettiest girl in their class. He wanted to say something nice to her, but all he did was smile every time she looked at him. She always smiled and bent her head, then turn away. Day in and day out, this was the way they spoke to each other. Valentine’s Day came, and their teacher had candy and cake for them. All his classmates were excited, but she was on his mind. He smiled at her and she smiled, but she did not turn her head, she kept looking at him, with the sweetest smile on her lips. He thought this was his cue to say what he always wanted to say to her so he said, “I like you.” She suddenly stopped smiling, her eyes welled up with tears and she started to cry…


I wish for you… Love.
In love is… Omnipotence.
In love is… Valentine.
In love is… Everlasting.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

“A Loquacious Man”

Yesterday, I went to the bank to see a friend I had lost touch with. When I walked into the bank, I looked at all the tellers and I didn’t see her so I decided to ask someone. The first person I saw was a security guard. I asked him for her. He did not know her so he asked a woman who was standing a little way from him. I heard the woman say that my friend retired. So I said, “She did?”
The woman came closer and she said, “Yes. Three months ago.”
“That’s why I don’t know her. She left before I started to work. I’m here two months now,” said the guard.
I said okay, and as I was about to walk away, he said to the woman, “Did she retire or was she fired?”
I walked towards the front door thinking that the security guard is a loquacious man…

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Innocent

As gentle as a butterfly
As warm as the summer breeze
The child is immaculate
Loves unconditionally
Gives without demanding
Forgives effortlessly
Wants the truth
Needs nurturing
Will I be forgiven for doing what I did?
Why did I do that bad thing?
Will you forgive me?
Why do you hurt my feelings?
Why don't you listen to me?
As much as I love you please love me back.
Don't forget to say you love me.
I need to hear it every day.
If you are sorry say you are… like I tell you I am.
I am a person; I hurt too.

Friday, February 11, 2011

“Let Loose In Stores”

One day while shopping, a little boy about 3 or 4 years old, came near to me and asked me if I saw his mother. I told him no, and he started to cry. I asked the people near to us if they knew the child, but no one did. After a few minutes I told one of the store sales representatives and she said that she would locate his mother. While I continued shopping I heard an announcement… A description of the child was given in English and then in Spanish. I felt good about this and I assumed that his mother would come to his rescue, but when I joined the line to cash I saw the child standing at the side near to a cashier.
“Oh my gosh. His mother did not come for him yet?” I asked.
“What the hell is wrong with some people? They would come into a store and let loose their children leaving them on their own. That is so irresponsible. The poor child is sobbing uncontrollably,” A woman said.
“It’s so sad,” I said.
All the women on the lines were making comments, but there was one woman who was only making loud sighs. The child’s mother finally came and the woman who was making the loud sighs, started to shout at her.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

“The Letter”

A friend had done something to her and after a terrible argument they stopped talking. One day, she received a written apology, she accepted it and their friendship rekindles. She did not discuss the letter with anyone, but she kept it. Many years later, her husband asked her if she and her friend ever had an argument. She told him yes they did, but her friend apologized.
“If she apologized, why did you keep the letter?”
“I did not tell you her apology was a written one. So who told you that?”
“She told me about it and she said that she hopes that you got rid of the letter. I found the letter and I burnt it.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

“You Can Not Say NO”

There are people in our lives that we can never tell the hurtful word… NO! These people must have done something that outshines generosity. If you make the mistake and say NO to them, your conscience starts picking at your heart… Some of us feel hurt, but there are those of us who are just to callous to feel an ounce of regret. There are ten people in my life that I would never tell NO!

Monday, February 7, 2011

“They Broke the Mold”

Mel always treated her husband’s friends cordially, but one of them (Will) always made her feel uncomfortable. She did not like how he looked at her, and she also did not like how he degrades his wife. This woman was the mother of his three children and was pregnant with their fourth child.
“If Margo is a bad person, then why is he still married to her, and the evidence shows that he is sleeping with her?” Mel said to her husband.
“That is a good question,” he answered.
On one occasion, Will called while her husband was at work and he made an inapt statement to her. She told her husband about it and he brushed it off, saying that he was sure Will was joking.
Mel told him that she doesn’t think it was funny, and she believes if Will gets the chance, he would make a pass at her.
“No way, he would do something like that!”
She did not say anything else about it, but decided to be on her guard when Will was around. Time went by and she and her husband had many conversations about Will’s attitude, but he was sticking to his belief in his friend. He reminded her that they were friends since middle school and Will is just a flirt. She ignored his statements and knew that it’s only a matter of time before Will does or say something to change his mind.
The moment he picked her up from work she saw an expression on her husbands face that told her, he was upset.
“Why do you look so pissed?”
“You were right about Will?”
“Why do you say that?”
“He phoned me today to tell me that he was divorcing Margo because he met someone and she is just like you.”
“Like me.”
“He was going on and on about how she is pretty, kind, sociable and loves family life.”
“But that is Margo in a nutshell.”
“It is, but then he said, “There is one more thing about her… She is as sexy as your wife.”
“What! So what did you say?”
“I told him they broke the mold the day you were born.”

Saturday, February 5, 2011

“It is Lily-white, But What’s In It”

Many years ago, while walking my son to school on a snowy winter morning, he was saying to me that he loves snow. I told him it looks nice and it’s lily-white, but it is dirty… He said that it is not, and a little argument ensued. We were at it for most of the walk when a lady who was in front of us with her children, coughed very loudly, then, she spat in the snow. My son squeezed my hand and I looked down at him then I said, “Do you see it in the snow?”
“No. It disappeared,”
“That’s why I told you the snow is dirty. Many other dirty things are in the snow.”
“I don’t eat snow, but my friends eat it.”
“You should tell them what you saw.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

“Suppose I Fall”

This morning was another slip and slide morning… some parts of the sidewalk was just glowing. I walked up to a certain point with my daughter. She was as comfortable as ever walking on the ice and talking to me. I was talking to her, but I was thinking, 'Suppose I fall'. At one point I told her this is where I am stopping… She then asked me if I was going to be okay. I told her yes but now I was wondering about her because the next block all you could see was ice. For a moment I stood there watching her walked safely over it… I remember many years ago I used to walked on the ice without a problem, until the day I fell…

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

“Dank And Dreary”

Oh how I am missing the sun right now... hmm. It's a dank dreary day and I just came in from outside... More snow is coming and then the temperature is going down so the roads and sidewalks would be icy... Another dank day tomorrow... I EXHALE NOISILY!!!!