Tuesday, August 10, 2010

“The Uncomfortable Street.”

I lived in my neighborhood for ten years and I walked on most of the streets. There was one street that I never walked on. Something about that street made me uncomfortable. I don’t know what I was thinking one sunny Friday morning, when I proceeded to walk up the uncomfortable street. As I walked along, I noticed that it was dismal, shady and not one single person was on it. There were cars parked on either side and all the houses were shut tight. Ahead of me in the distance, I saw a man suddenly appeared in the road. He was about three blocks away from me and I wondered where he came from. His presence added to my fears yet I continued, keeping my eyes on him. He walked up to a car and tried opening the doors. When he couldn’t open them, he proceeded to try another, then another… For a moment, I did not realize what he was doing then it hit me. This guy was a robber, so I had to get off of the street. My first instinct was to turn back, so I did then freeze because I was afraid to turn my back on him. The only other exit was near to him. I was hoping that he would walk passed it soon. I felt trapped. My mouth tasted bitter and my heart was pumping in my throat as I prayed he didn’t turn around and see me…

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