Tuesday, August 3, 2010

“Fear Of A Civil Servant”

We were both nervous while we were waiting to be interviewed, so we sat quietly holding hands. An officer came out of his office and called the names of a couple. A woman started talking about him. She said that she didn’t like him. If he requested a document and you didn’t have it, he would turn you down. He turned her down twice. The moment she started talking, many others joined in. They all had negative opinions about him. Every one who came out of his office, looked upset and the spirit of fear was now over me. My heart was beating so fast I felt it in my throat.
“You are ill-mannered, and you should not be a civil servant!” Shouted a woman as she exited his office. The officer stood with an angry looking smirk on his face as she berated him. Two female security officers came and escorted her out of the building. My heart was now on over ride. I squeezed my husband’s hand as I prayed that this officer doesn’t call us. After, he saw that she was gone he looked in his book then he called our names. I felt like running out of the building, but we went into his office, and he closed the door.

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