Sunday, August 1, 2010

“My Gentle Friend”

My friend is honest, forgives easily, and never says a harsh word to anyone. One day, I went over to her house to pick her up to go shopping. When I arrived, she was in a deep conversation with a woman. I did not stay in the room they were in because I didn’t want to intrude. Suddenly, the woman started to shout at her. In her soft tone, she tried to defend herself, but the woman shut her up with her aggressive tone. I was shocked, but was hoping that my friend would tell her to get out of her house. They were both in sales and my friend didn’t make the quota that was expected of her. The woman continued shouting and my friend looked as though she was about to cry. I decided to put a stop to it, so I walked out of the kitchen. “How dear you speak to her like that? You need to tone down,” I said.
“It is none of your business. I am not speaking to you,” she said.
“I know that, but I am speaking to you. Either you speak to her in a better tone or leave immediately.”

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