Monday, August 16, 2010

“Two Measures Of Favoritism.”

The evaluator she hired to value her property, gave her an accurate evaluation. She felt he was wrong, so she hired another, and then another. They all came up with nine hundred and eighty one thousand dollars. She finally agreed that it was correct after her lawyer had his accountant look of the papers. The lawyer then asked her if she was going to divide the property equally between her three children. She told her to divide it in three, but her eldest daughter’s share is to be divided into two. Half of her share is to be given to charity. “I’m not suppose to question you on what you want to do, but why?” Asked the lawyer. I want my two favorite children to get more than her. I don’t care that it is two measures of favoritism.
Do not keep two different weights in your bag or two measures in your house.

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