Wednesday, August 11, 2010

“Farse Intrusive Nosey”

A fence separated the neighbor from us. On mornings, my mother or the neighbor would call out to each other, then they would stand there talking. One morning, I ran up to the fence to hear what they were saying. My mother was doing most of the talking, so my eyes were on her. She looked down and saw me. "Excuse me, does the words from my mouth have color? What are you looking at me like that for! I am going to punish you!”, She said. I got scared, ran into the house and waited for her to come in. I waited and waited, but she didn’t come into the bedroom where I was or called my name. She was in the kitchen cooking, so I went into the kitchen.
“Hear you are. I forgot all about you. You are too farse and out of place. What you did was not a good thing. Children should not be near adults while they are speaking. It is rude and disrespectful. I don’t want you to ever do that again. The next time you will be punished, this time you get off with a warning. I tried my best not to do it, but I found a place to hide, so I could hear them…

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