Thursday, October 20, 2016

On a very personal note from me and my family, why Hillary Clinton gets our vote.

Paul will be 26 years on October 29 and Sarah is 19 and for the good health they are experiencing Hillary Clinton paid a big part. We were recipients of the Children’s Health Insurance Program known as CHIP. It is a program for low-income children that provides federal funding to states. When Hillary Clinton was first Lady she was the main person responsible for creating that program. The WIC--- WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN, Food and Nutrition Service was also included in this.  
Under CHIP I received free pre-natal care right up to delivery and after I had my baby. My babies got free health care up until age 16 and a little there after. I did not pay a dime in doctor bills. It was totally FREE HEALTH CARE! They got all their inoculation. Paul even had surgery for a hernia and it was free. Thanks to Hillary Clinton.
Now all the people who are saying the negative things about her … her email etc. Which human is perfect? Which one of us doesn’t have a skeleton or some kind of shady shit in the shadow of our lives? I say VOTE for Hillary she is the lesser of the two evils.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

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