Sunday, October 2, 2016

And the devil still correcting sin.

And the devil still correcting sin.
Every time I see his facial expression he reminds me of a person with pent-up emotions.
Every time I hear him talking I am appalled by his vulgarity.
He laughed and mocked a reporter who had a stroke and he laughs and mocks Hillary’s moment when she stumbled as she was about to get into her car. Just as God is no respecter of persons so does sickness. One day my father said to me, “Everyone gets sick and there are lots of people with disabilities. It is not their fault. Do not laugh at anyone, it is hurtful. I was very young and I listened. I do not laugh at people. Today you feel strong and you are boisterous, but you never know what tomorrow will bring. And life goes on. Be kind and loving that is what we all need. Have a nice day and be safe.

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