Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Nothing is private anymore everything has to be posted, but the poster doesn’t realize the repercussions.
Is it me or are any of you thinking the same thing? I find Kim Kardashian looks embarrassed. She looks as though she was not only robbed. She was also violated. As Trinbagonians does say, “Dem robbers touch she up.”
She put herself in that predicament. This is not a joke! She was texting and posting her jewelry to her friend over the internet.  As Trinbagonians does say, “She was showing off.”

People have to stop putting their life story on the internet. There is a video of a baby using the bathroom. The parents who posted it thought that it was funny but they really don’t know how that could traumatize this child later down in life. Many people can use this video to hurt this child. Even a pervert might use this video for his or her sickening moments. Stop posting private and important family situations. 

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