Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Watson Duke, President of the Public Service Association (Trinidad and Tobago) was charged with an allegation of rape and indecent assault… hmm! Whether he did it or didn’t do it, I believe something happened and I commend that woman for coming forward. RAPE is a horrible violation and it is most horrible when you know the person. I was never raped, but I have been violated before and it took me 45 years before I told anyone about it. Hurt, shame and blaming yourself are the main feeling that you go through. After all these years I know that blaming me was wrong. Anyway back to Watson Duke, I don’t know if it is true but I heard he used to act in a vulgar way… Taking out his member in front of people and making broad statements about it. It is so sad that a; strong, intelligent black man with a family would disgrace himself, but as my father would say, “He have no damn commonsense!”

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