Friday, May 13, 2016

On a personal note.

Children are the logos —(Jesus Christ as divine wisdom, word of God.) in our lives. They are truthful, kind and loving.
When Paul goes shopping he is always thinking about the other person. If he wants to buy an item he would check out how much there is before he buys. When I go shopping I would buy exactly what I wanted even if I took the last of the item. Paul would never take the last. He would always leave one.
One day I asked him to buy four of a particular thing for me. There were four remaining, he bought two and he left two. “Paul I really needed four,” I said and I was feeling a bit pissed.
“I know mom, but if I took four you will have four and someone else might just need one and they would not have any. You do not need all today. Tomorrow I will check to see if there are more.
“You are right,” I said and I walked away sayings, “Oh gosh ah shame.”
“Nah, you weren’t thinking,” He said.
Today when my family and I go shopping we always leave for the other person.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours. 

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