Friday, May 6, 2016

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are. ―Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) “On a personal note” Just want to share because I know people who died from diabetes and it is a sad situation. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ―Hippocrates (460BC-370BC)

Harold is diabetic and the moment his doctor called and told me that he was I phoned him at work and told him. That day I was going to cook a chicken pelau. I was going to brown sugar then add seasoned chicken, dry pigeon peas, parboil rice, home made coconut milk, butter, seasoning and a green pepper. Now there are things in that Pelau that would make Harold’s blood sugar go higher; sugar, rice, butter and coconut milk.
“I am not making pelau, I am going to steam chicken then broil the chicken, boil green figs and stir fry some vegetables. “Okay he said and that was the first day of his diet change.
His sugar level was 298 and a good glucose level in an adult depends on your age. ( 80-130 is normal). His doctor gave him medication and he started to take it, but he knew that medication has grave results on your kidneys and other organs in your body. If he continued taking the meds, dialysis and other complications would be the next thing to worry about. We found out that cinnamon is good for diabetes so he drinks cinnamon capsules daily.
I boil 8 sticks of cinnamon in a large pot of water for 30 minutes then turn off the fire, add 4 packs of Wild Berry Tea, cover the pot until it cools, take out the tea bags then pour the liquid into a jug and put it in the refrigerator. Harold drinks this morning, noon and night. Eats toasted whole wheat bread for breakfast with peanut butter, sometimes cheese paste (grated cheese crushed up with butter and mustard) and boiled eggs once in a blue moon. He might even eat meat and vegetables for breakfast. He stopped taking the doctor medication and he drinks some herbs for diabetic. His blood sugar reads… 87-100. Harold does have a cheat day. Fried bakes, a small slice of cake,fried chicken, fried fish, roti, a glass of fruit punch, coconut water, macaroni pie, potato salad, Crix etc., but he doesn’t go over board.  Those cheat days he would go up to 100-115
Eating right and on time helps, significantly. Remember you are what you eat. Love your body. Eat the right foods and exercise daily to make your body feel good.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

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