Monday, November 3, 2014

“The Rapture”

I wonder what became of the people who gave up everything that they owned because they believed the false prophets, who told them that the Rapture was going to take place, on particular date.  I remember meeting a man at Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY on the # 2 train. He told me that Jesus Christ was coming on November 21 in Jerusalem. I have to give up all that I have and move to Jerusalem. I said, “No one knows the date or time that Jesus Christ is coming even Jesus Christ doesn’t know. When he does come, the whole world would see him at the same time. I remember the last hyped up Rapture. This was predicted by Harold Camping (Born 1921- Died 2013). He looked as creepy as the words he spoke. My children were scared and they asked me how I felt about it. I said, “Neither here nor there. I cannot stop it, if it was going to happen so I am not going to get a sleepless night about it. I also don’t believe it. You should not stress over the things that you have no control over.

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