Monday, November 24, 2014

“Ham and Rolls. I am getting set”

Yesterday I baked a ham but before baking I put it in a pot, filled the pot with boiling water to cover the ham, added 1 cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon, ½ cup clove then boiled for 1½ hours. I kept adding hot water to cover the ham. After boiling, I placed the ham in a baking dish, covered with foil and baked at 400º for 1 hr. Took off the foil and left in the oven for 15 minutes. I did my ham this way to cook and to make it low sodium. I served it with home made rolls.

My Rolls
I put 1 cup of warm milk that had I tablespoon of melted brown sugar in a bowl. Added one pack of yeast then I left it to rise in a warm place.
2 cups of milk, I stick of butter and 3 tablespoons of brown sugar in a pot on a low fire. Stirring until butter and sugar is melted. Do not boil. Cover and set aside.  
After 15 minutes, I whisked 3 eggs at room temperature then I mixed all liquids together, add 2 cups of flour, whisking until all lumps in the flour were dissolved. I added 2 cups of flour at a time, mixing with one hand. To make the flour the right consistency to knead (not sticky) I add more flour. I teaspoon of salt is needed for the recipe, but since there is salt in the butter I did not add any. The total amount of flour I added was about 12 cups. (Like I always say, “I do not follow any recipe. I always do my own thing) I kneaded the flour for 8 minutes until soft and smooth then formed it into a ball, grease the bowl and flour with butter. Cover then left it in a warm place to rise for one hour.
Pressed down raised flour, rolled out small balls leaving 1 inch apart in baking pan, cover with a kitchen towel, put in a warm place and left to rise for 45 minutes. Bake 350º for 30 minutes. Yummy.

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