Wednesday, March 12, 2014

“Outrageous Situations”

This is America at it’s finest.
Utah, Elementary School kids’ lunches were snatches by a worker and thrown in the trash because there was no money in their accounts. (Some school children are supposed to pay 25¢, 50¢, 75¢ or $1.00 for lunch. It is very hard for some parents although they may be working to come up with an extra dime.)
Salt Lake City Elementary School, lunch was taken out of the hands of 40 children and thrown straight into the garbage because the children had no money left in their lunch account.
One thing I can say about the late Ms. Adams, the principal of PS6 Elementary School, in Brooklyn. When children came in to school on a morning. They were asked if they had or wanted breakfast. If they had breakfast then they were allowed to play in the school yard. All the children under her hands were brilliant students. 

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