Friday, March 21, 2014

“A Timely Moment”

There are moments in life that you have to say that your lucky stars are working in your favor. After the moment you know it’s God making you aware of how he/she feels about you. This happened to me. Did it ever happen to you?
The phone starts ringing. You look at the number and don’t know it, have two minds about answering then you answer, “Hello.”
No answers, but you hear people talking. You listen to the voices and they sound familiar so you say a name out loud. No answer. You keep listening then you hear your name and realize the conversation is about you. Not one positive thing is being said about you. It’s like you are the worst person in the world.
As the old folks say, “Eavesdrop…hmm? You will not hear anything good about yourself. True, but good or bad, true or false comments makes you aware of a situation/s. How people feel about you or the hypocrites in your life… 

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