Thursday, March 13, 2014

“Hostilities On Women And Children”

On this Thursday, March 13, 2014 the 9th day of Lent, I am outraged~ annoyed~ irritated~ fuming~ mad~ irate~ heated~ gnashing my teeth~ Just down right livid! Some men are set in their ways. I used to think that they have stepped back in time, but they did not. Their hostilities towards women and children is alive and well.
The amount of inhumane things that they do says that they do not have a peaceful bone in their body. I could only speculate how children and women feel when they are violated. Inflicting pain on anyone is sadistic~ brutal~ cruel and vicious!  
There is a new law in Michigan
Michigan lawmakers passed —“Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. This law will ban all insurance plans in the state from covering abortion unless the woman’s life is in danger. This law will force women and employers to purchase a separate abortion rider if they would like the procedure covered, even in cases of rape and incest. This “Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act has been nicknamed “RAPE INSURANCE”, because it would force some women to anticipate the possibility of being raped by purchasing the extra abortion insurance ahead of time.
It is scary how hostile some men are to women and children. 

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