Tuesday, December 24, 2013

“Oh Trinbagonians”
You astonish me by your calm demeanor. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL PEOPLE START TO GET SICK AND DIE FROM THE TOXIC AIR… You know get CANCER ETC.
In my 53 years on this earth, I lived in Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago for 29 years. A true Trinbagonians, knows that Point Fortin is one of our main petroleum towns. In those 29 years living in Trinbago, I have see oil spills but the amount of oil I saw washed up on the sea shore was little droplets of pitch. The amount could fill a white pigtail bucket. The spill that I am reading daily about on the Express is a DISASTER! I wonder how Trinbagonians could be so calm about it.
Trinbagonians have cell phones more than one… Some have 3 and 4 cell phones. How the hell none of you cannot snap pictures of this massive oil spill and flood the internet with it! Especially FB! It is time to be outraged! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL PEOPLE START TO DIE FROM THE TOXIC AIR… 

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