Saturday, December 21, 2013

“Mother Father Caregiver”

Magnanimity~ Great generosity!
Openhandedness~ Kindness!
Thoughtful~ Considerate!
Humanity~ Compassionate!
Empathy~ Understanding!
Responsible~ Accountable
This is who you are and take it on full-blast. At this joyous time of the year do not be so angry with your child/children because of that failing grade, that situation which might have caused a suspension etc. This is the point where you have to let EGO go. Sit quietly and think about the moment you went wrong in your child/children’s lives. That moment when you were not generous, did not show kindness, was not considerate, compassionate, understanding. Hold yourself accountable for a moment, and then in that quiet moment ask God to help you fix it all.
Another point; Yes you are angry with your child/children and you have decided not to give them the gift that you already purchased or were going to buy. Think carefully about your child/children and the one or two or more moments of generosity, kindness, considerate, compassionate, understanding, accountable moments that they bestowed on you.
On Christmas morning, give your child/children the gift/gifts and make it a Merry Christmas for you all…   

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