Friday, December 20, 2013

“Know When To Shut Up”

It was Christmas season and his wife showed him some items she bought. He felt that some of it was not necessary and he mentioned it. She became irate and they argued … He kept insisting that the money spent was wasted … She eventually got very quiet. He knew that he should shut up, but he continued.
Every morning he took her and the kids to work and school, and that morning she sat quietly in the car. The children were both arguing and she did not say anything to them. When he dropped her off she did not do her usual goodbye (‘Bye guys~ Love you so much~ Have a nice day~ See you later would be followed by kisses). That morning she said, “Bye guys~ Love you so much.” Got out of the car and walked away.
His son said, “What’s wrong with mom?”
“Dad quarreled about his money,” said his daughter.
“It’s not my money … It’s your mother’s and mines.”
“You did not act like it was hers.”
He was thinking that his daughter was right … What the hell have I done? Why was I being such an ass?... 

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