Tuesday, December 17, 2013

“Blocking Another Person’s Blessing”

An elderly friend taught me something of worth. I was doing something for her daily. To me it was no big thing. I did it with love and I was enjoying doing it. To her it was a great service and she wanted to bless me. She bought me a great amount of something that I like. I was happy to get the item, but I felt it was too much and I told her to keep some of it. She looked at me, said “hmm,” and shook her head. Although she did this I still kept saying it was too much. She said in the most calm tone, “Alli, when you give from the heart blessings flow and this gift is for you. When someone give your something, just say thank you and take it. If you refuse it you are blocking their blessing. Do not block my blessing… 

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