Wednesday, February 13, 2013

“A Creepy Moment”
A coincidence, A creepy moment. I was talking to my husband while he was at our landlord’s office. Our doorbell started ringing so I told him to hold on. I looked through the peep hole and there was a slim, tall white man dressed in a black suit and a black hat was on his head. There was someone else with him but all I could see was one sleeve of a black jacket.
“Who is it?” I asked.
“I’m from the insurance company. Your landlord sent me to look at the layout of your apartment.”
(I was thinking… really?) “Hold on,” I said and I moved away from the door then I told my husband about the man.
“Let me ask Fahad if he sent him,” My husband said. He came back on the phone and anxiously said, “He did not send him! Do not open the door!”
I told him okay. I walked back to the door. The writer in me kicked in because I needed to know who this character was. “Sir are you sure my landlord sent you?”
“Yes. I just came from seeing him. He is in the hospital. His son is with him. He has been there for two days.
The writer in me wanted to say, ‘You damn lie’, but I said, “Sir, I have my landlord on the phone, let me ask him to make sure that he sent you.”
“Miss, that is not necessary! Goodbye.”
I looked through the peep hole and the man was hightailing it down the stairs… A creepy moment…

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