Wednesday, February 27, 2013

“The Huge Pot Of Beef Pelau”
He bet on a horse and during the race, the horse fell and broke a leg. The owner put the animal to sleep, had the meat cut up and piece were distributed to all the people who bet on it. When he got home he wondered what he would do with all this horse meat. He cut it in cubes, washed it with lime juice, seasoned it and then put it in the freezer. A week later a friend of his was having a bus ride so he told him that he would bring a pot of pelau. Very early the morning of the bus ride, he got up and cooked a huge pot of pelau. There was more meat in it than the peas and rice … It smelt delicious.
Everyone was talking about it so the moment they arrived at their destination he served it.
A woman said to him, “It’s a man like you I want to put in house. Boy you could cook ah pelau. This beef pelau is real tasty.”
“Yes it is,” said another then another.
Compliments were coming at him from everyone who ate. People even asked for seconds and he gave them without a complaint until one person said, “Where did you buy this beef? It is real nice lean meat.”
“Boy that is not beef nah. That is horse meat,” He said.
Silence. You could hear ah pin drop. Everybody was looking at him shocked…

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