Monday, February 25, 2013

“Law Abiding Citizens Living In Fear”
I grew up in the 70s (ages 10-19) and through the eyes of a scared child, the flying squad were our saviors. When that robbery went down in Hilo — Point Fortin it was shocking and scary because Point Fortin was one of the safest places in Trinidad and Tobago. When you had a death it was from old age, drowning or a car accident. (Drowning and car accidents were few.) There were no murders. Last year at this time of the year —February there were 60 murders… At this hour 5:00AM 73 murders. I am wondering what today by midday would bring to the innocent law abiding citizens. Life in Trinidad is worst and I believe drastic measures have to be taken as soon as possible. People need to stop living in fear.

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