Saturday, February 2, 2013

A sad, sad, story about Fabiola Chacon. I remember her to be a pretty and respectable young woman. Never thought her life would end like this. Tragic!

Murder in Church
By STACY MOORE Saturday, February 2, 2013
FABIOLA Ramona Chacon, 36, got married last November. The honeymoon was soon over and the relationship soured. On Thursday evening, she and her husband went for marriage counseling given by two pastors inside the Apostles Ministries Church in Chaguanas.
The counseling session soon degenerated into a heated argument, with Chacon leaving the counseling room to go to the washroom. What happened next has shocked even seasoned policemen. Chacon was stabbed repeatedly about her stomach and chest. She died inside the Amorsingh Street, Longdenville, Chaguanas, church before the two shocked pastors.
Up to last night, Central Division police led by Supt. Johnny Abraham were on a manhunt for a 51 year old man…

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