Wednesday, January 23, 2013

 “It Is Scary”
I have a son… A black male and it is scary to think about what each day will bring into his life… At a very young age, I told my son, and it was sad to say, but it was the truth… You have strikes against you…
1. You are a black.
2. You are a male.
3. You don’t have an education…
You cannot change yourself, but you can make changes to your educational status. Go to school and get a good education…
When you go to the store, the workers in the store may shadow you… ignore them… get what you want, pay for it, make sure you get a bag and a receipt…
If you are stopped by the police make sure they could see your hands…
Be aware of the neighborhood watch… He might be packing heat, and easily upset when he sees a black man.
At school, your professor/s and or classmate/s might be packing heat. Be careful…

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