Thursday, January 24, 2013

Women look their oldest at 3.30 pm on Wednesdays: study

LondonWork stress and toll from weekend partying means women look their oldest at exactly 3.30 pm on Wednesdays, according to a new UK study.
Wednesday is the day when energy levels plummet, work stress is at a peak and the effects of any weekend late nights finally kick in.
The research found one in ten women (12 per cent) find Wednesday the most stressful day in a typical week.
But Thursday is the day they are most likely to romance which could contribute to why women feel so happy on a Friday - 60 per cent name it as their happiest day, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
A quarter of women feel stressed several times a week - while one in five (19 per cent) admit they will work through Wednesday's lunch hour.
The study, carried out by tanning brand, St Tropez found two thirds experiences a 'slump in energy levels' mid-afternoon every Wednesday…

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