Wednesday, January 30, 2013

“She Stumbled In”
Linda knew what curiosity did to the cat, but she decided that she was going to take the chance and snoop. She thought her boss was having an affair with a beautiful young woman. All the men in the office drooled over her. She would walk into the office, stately dressed, politely ask for him then she would sit patiently waiting. The moment he was free he would come out, greet her, with a happy smile on his face. They would hug each other tightly then he would say, “Come let’s go into my office.” He would close the door behind them. At times you would hear loud laughter then they would be quiet. Linda had planned that she was going to listen at the door, the next time she came to the office. Many months later the beautiful young woman came to the office. As usual she and the boss hugged, then they went to his office and he closed the door. Linda went quietly to the door and she put one ear against it.
“No daddy. You need to make sure that it is done the right way.”
‘Oh so she calls him daddy … hmm’, Linda was thinking.
“I’ve know your mother a long time and she would not agree to it.”
“Daddy she agreed.”
Their voices faded so Linda leaned against the door. It slowly started to open, but she did not realize it until it opened wider and she stumbled in — just in time to hear the beautiful young woman say, “Daddy, let’s get mom on Skype so she can show you what she wants.”
The boss and the beautiful woman were sitting at his desk looking at Linda with surprised looks on their faces...

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