Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Forest Is Our Home—The Sequel To Jan’s Mysterious Adventure— by A Valentine Joseph
When Terrance was thirteen, Jim took him miles through the forest very early one morning. Before they left home, Jim instructed him to put on his clothes inside out and to pay close attention to what he did. If they came upon anyone, do not look at them or say anything. Terrance walked behind Jim in the pitch dark forest. They walked for miles, when Jim suddenly stopped and he bumped into him. Jim put out his hand blocking him from moving any further. “Bonjour, Père de la forêt,” Jim said.
In a loud thunderous voice, Papa Bois said, “What is the reason for you being in my forest.” Terrance closed his eyes and he kept his head down … the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he was terrified.
While Jim was answering his question, Papa Bois came and stood near to Terrance. His breathing was like that of an irritated animal, and he smelled like the forest. The green smell of the bushes was pungent, and Terrance felt faint…

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