Friday, January 25, 2013

Sandy by A Valentine Joseph
Sandy was looking at him but she could not move because of the intense pain she was feeling. She closed her eyes.
“Do you still want that divorce?”
She did not answer him.
Sandy! Wake up! He kicked her and she cried out.
“Barry, stop it!”
“Answer me bitch!” He kicked her.
“Barry, please stop.”
“Do you want a divorce?” He asked as he got down over her and grabbed the hand that was bruised. He started to squeeze it.
“Ouch! No, no! I don’t…. want a divorce!”
“Good. You are my wife and you will remain my wife. If you ever asked me for a divorce again, I’ll kill you! Do you hear me?”
Sandy lay on the floor groaning in pain. For a moment everything was a blur and she did not know where she was. She looked around the room. Barry was sitting on the couch drinking from a bottle. She closed her eyes and prayed that the pain she was feeling would subside. She felt like falling asleep and hoping that when she woke up all that happened to her was a dream. She thought about Christopher and opened her eyes. Barry was bending over her. She tried to cower away.
“Do you see what you made me do?” he asked, looking at her in disgust.
She did not answer him but was silently praying for him to leave. Her cheeks were wet and she thought it was her tears but when she wiped it, she saw it was blood. She had been cut on her face. After a while she dragged herself toward the couch and held onto the arm of it. She was in excruciating pain but knew she had to stand up. Eventually she did so, walking slowly to the dining table where she opened Christopher’s bag.
He pointed the gun at her shouting. “If you try anything I will shoot you.” She did not say anything to him but kept looking in his direction, as she took a washrag from the baby bag. She placed it on the cut, applying pressure and hoping that it would stop the bleeding.
 “Do you remember when you nearly ripped off my ears? This time I will kill you!” His shouting woke Christopher, who started screaming. Barry turned in the direction of Christopher’s voice. Sandy moved as fast as she could and stood in front of him.
“Please Barry. Not my baby, please.” He grabbed her hand. “Ouch Barry…. my hand!” she cried out but he did not let go instead, he pulled her towards Christopher’s room. “Barry, I’m begging you. Don’t hurt my son. Please don’t.” He did not answer her. He pushed her and she stumbled into the room

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