Thursday, February 16, 2012

“A Slap Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine”

The house they lived in was built by her grandmother’s grandfather. Her grandmother talked about her life and the stories were very funny. There were moments when her grandmother would start whispering. Lystra knew that this part of her story would be daunting.
“Do you know that this house is haunted?”
“No grandma. It is not haunted.”
“Yes. One day, I saw my grandmother walking along the hall then she went up to the attic. That same day when I was showering, someone slapped me on the area where the sun doesn’t shine. I screamed, and then pulled the curtain to see who did it. No one was there, and the door was locked. I knew that it was my grandmother because she used to slap us like that when we were naughty.”
Lystra told her parents what her grandmother said. They told her that she must remember that grandma was old and her judgment is most likely impaired. She agreed with her parents and went to take her shower. While showering, she put on a facial scrub. The moment she closed her eyes and started washing her face, she felt a presence in the bathroom. She opened her eyes and pulled the curtain. No one was there and the door was locked. She breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes and continued washing her face. Suddenly, she felt a slap where the sun doesn’t shine~ She screamed…

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