Thursday, February 23, 2012

“Another Eventful Day”

Every day in my life is eventful, but some days are just over-the-top and this day was one of those days. I was out with my daughter and she wanted to get some fries. I said, “Let’s go home”, but she said, “Mom, please no, I just want some fries.”
We went to buy the fries. She took all the bags we had and sat down in a seat and I went to get the fries. A woman came up to me with an iPhone. “Miss, is this your phone?” She asked as she showed me the phone. I told her no so she kept asking people. Nobody claimed it so she took it to customer service. The lines were long and I stood awaiting my turn. My daughter came and stood next to me. A worker in the restaurant said to my daughter, “You forgot a bag where you were sitting.” We both walked over to the seat. There were three men and a young boy sitting there. I stood and looked for the bag. I did not see it, but I asked, “Did you guys see a bag on the seat?” Two of the men said no, but one of the men and the young boy did not say anything. I kept looking at the man and the boy. They both looked uncomfortable. A few moments later, the boy bent down and took the bag from between his legs…

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