Wednesday, February 29, 2012

“Longing For That Moment”

This morning started off looking like dusk. All day long daylight was taken over by gloom. Although the day was like this, I liked how it made me feel~ It was a feeling of longing~~~~ Longing for that moment when I sat under a tree in Trinbago, one sunny morning~ Two empty jelly bottles, with a hole in the cover that I made with a hammer and a nail, was sitting next to me~ A gentle breeze was blowing as I waited patiently. Suddenly, a few batimamselles – (Dragonflies) were flying around then one rested on a leaf. I stood up and quietly walked to it then I gently grabbed its wings. I put it in a bottle, covered it then I sat and waited. Many butterflies were flying around so I waited for one to land.
“Don’t catch a butterfly, look on the tree for a caterpillar then put it, a leaf and a small twig in the bottle. It would be nice for you to see it go through metamorphosis,” My father said to me.
There were many caterpillars on one of the trees, so I did what my father told me. I put the bottle on a table, and then I opened the bottle with the batimamselle, and let it out because I was going to have my first course in Zoology…

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