Wednesday, February 29, 2012

“Longing For That Moment”

This morning started off looking like dusk. All day long daylight was taken over by gloom. Although the day was like this, I liked how it made me feel~ It was a feeling of longing~~~~ Longing for that moment when I sat under a tree in Trinbago, one sunny morning~ Two empty jelly bottles, with a hole in the cover that I made with a hammer and a nail, was sitting next to me~ A gentle breeze was blowing as I waited patiently. Suddenly, a few batimamselles – (Dragonflies) were flying around then one rested on a leaf. I stood up and quietly walked to it then I gently grabbed its wings. I put it in a bottle, covered it then I sat and waited. Many butterflies were flying around so I waited for one to land.
“Don’t catch a butterfly, look on the tree for a caterpillar then put it, a leaf and a small twig in the bottle. It would be nice for you to see it go through metamorphosis,” My father said to me.
There were many caterpillars on one of the trees, so I did what my father told me. I put the bottle on a table, and then I opened the bottle with the batimamselle, and let it out because I was going to have my first course in Zoology…

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

“It Is Nice”

The sweetest thing the body has to face in life is sleep~ Oh My God~~~ it is just heavenly when it hits your body~ especially a second sleep… Nice~~~ Real nice…

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Wonderful Weekend”

I had a wonderful weekend~ Oui, an eventful one with my family…
I was a chef –The menu… bake and shark with all the trimmings… Escovitch fish.
A Weather forecaster –Informed my family about the weather conditions.
A masseuse –Massaged a shoulder and a pair of feet.
A nurse –Dressed a cut.
Office Assistant –Filled out some forms, edited and typed a letter.
Hair dresser –Wash, blow dried then flat iron one head.
My weekend was hectic~ I am over qualified, but I had a wonderful weekend…

Saturday, February 25, 2012

“The Weirdest Moment”

It is a moment I never experienced since I am living in the US. Yes, it was a weird moment, but a beautiful one. The sun was shining brightly, but it was snowing on the street I was walking on. When I turned onto another street, it wasn’t snowing, so I turned around and the snow was falling behind me… I was amazed, but I continued walking. After I crossed two streets, the snow was coming down. This moment reminded me of Trinidad and Tobago when the sun was shining, yet the rain was falling on some streets...

“Wise Up”

The old folks always say it~ “A still tongue keeps a wise head”. During your life’s history, many people will say many things to you~ Wise up~ listen~ pay attention!...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

“Another Eventful Day”

Every day in my life is eventful, but some days are just over-the-top and this day was one of those days. I was out with my daughter and she wanted to get some fries. I said, “Let’s go home”, but she said, “Mom, please no, I just want some fries.”
We went to buy the fries. She took all the bags we had and sat down in a seat and I went to get the fries. A woman came up to me with an iPhone. “Miss, is this your phone?” She asked as she showed me the phone. I told her no so she kept asking people. Nobody claimed it so she took it to customer service. The lines were long and I stood awaiting my turn. My daughter came and stood next to me. A worker in the restaurant said to my daughter, “You forgot a bag where you were sitting.” We both walked over to the seat. There were three men and a young boy sitting there. I stood and looked for the bag. I did not see it, but I asked, “Did you guys see a bag on the seat?” Two of the men said no, but one of the men and the young boy did not say anything. I kept looking at the man and the boy. They both looked uncomfortable. A few moments later, the boy bent down and took the bag from between his legs…

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

“An Insultingly Rude Man”

I was out shopping with my daughter and we were having a great time. I should have known that the day was going to be perfect~ It was only a matter of time before someone does something to change the mood.
My daughter and I finished shopping and we decided to go home. When we walked out of the store, a woman taxi driver asked me if we needed a taxi. I was about to tell her yes, then I realized that I did not have enough cash so I told her no. My daughter and I went to the bank then, we went back to find the woman taxi driver. There were four other taxi drivers –men, outside of the mall~ the woman driver wasn’t there. One of them said, “Do you need a taxi?”
“Yes, but a women driver asked me a moment ago. Where is she?”
“She is married,” said one of the taxi drivers.
“What!?” I exclaimed, questioning him.
“She has a husband.”
“I did not ask you that! You are an insultingly rude man!” He was about to say something, but I continued, “I don’t want to hear a word out of your mouth! You are so damn disrespectful!”…

Monday, February 20, 2012

“Shame Devastates”

Disgrace~ embarrassment~ dishonor~ humiliation~ indignity~ ignominy~ infamy… It really doesn’t matter what you call it~ It is still shame~ That deep seated feeling that pops into your heart after you have been put to shame. You are just simply saddened by the moment it is done by you to yourself or by a stranger to you. When it is done by a relative or friend you are not just saddened, you are devastated…

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Love Hate”

We are living in an unbalanced world~ More people hate you than love you~ I am not going to wonder why.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

“A Glorious Farewell Celebration”

It was a glorious farewell celebration for Whitney Houston. I pray that God will give her daughter and the rest of her family, strength and courage to face the days ahead.

Friday, February 17, 2012

“The More Money”

Money makes some people dim-witted. They believe that the more money they get their cost of living should be higher~ hmm. It is not how much you work for~ It is how much you save.

“Winter Will Be Back”

It is a beautiful Friday morning in New York. The sun is not shining, the area looks bright and the atmosphere is serene~ I love trees and I know that they are confused by the spring like weather, but hold on, winter is taking some days off~ It will be back…

Thursday, February 16, 2012

“A Slap Where The Sun Doesn’t Shine”

The house they lived in was built by her grandmother’s grandfather. Her grandmother talked about her life and the stories were very funny. There were moments when her grandmother would start whispering. Lystra knew that this part of her story would be daunting.
“Do you know that this house is haunted?”
“No grandma. It is not haunted.”
“Yes. One day, I saw my grandmother walking along the hall then she went up to the attic. That same day when I was showering, someone slapped me on the area where the sun doesn’t shine. I screamed, and then pulled the curtain to see who did it. No one was there, and the door was locked. I knew that it was my grandmother because she used to slap us like that when we were naughty.”
Lystra told her parents what her grandmother said. They told her that she must remember that grandma was old and her judgment is most likely impaired. She agreed with her parents and went to take her shower. While showering, she put on a facial scrub. The moment she closed her eyes and started washing her face, she felt a presence in the bathroom. She opened her eyes and pulled the curtain. No one was there and the door was locked. She breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes and continued washing her face. Suddenly, she felt a slap where the sun doesn’t shine~ She screamed…

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Romantic Day Saturated with Intimacy”

I know what love is~ I wake up to it everyday and I love how it makes me feel~ Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours…
Make today a romantic day that is saturated with intimacy~ She/he will never forget how you make him/her feel. You will be the unforgettable one… Don’t make it a day about, “I gave you a gift so what am I going to get in return.”…

Monday, February 13, 2012

“Enjoy Yourself But”

At this time of the year street processions, costumes, music, and dancing takes place in most countries… Carnival~ Mardi Gras. ENJOY YOURSELF, but remember NO DRINKING AND DRIVING AND OR ROAD RAGE. DON’T DRINK LIQUOR IF YOU ARE TAKING, MEDICATION.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

“Choose A Life Line”

Two men were having a conversation on the bus. One of them asked, “Were you in a fight? What’s up with your busted lip?”
“Last night my wife was lying in bed looking at ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’. When I got on the bed, I asked her if she wanted to have some fun. She said no. She was tired. I said, I want to choose a life line~ Can I Phone A Friend?”

Saturday, February 11, 2012

“The Delightful Box Of Chocolate/Candy”

Valentine’s Day is in a few days and your 15yrs., or younger daughter comes home with a box of chocolates or candy. She tells you that a boy gave it to her.
She looks at you with a look that says, “I know you are pissed and you think that more is going on”. Although she is right, you swallow the pissed feeling, but still look at her seriously then say, “Am I going to get a piece of that chocolates/candy?”
She is going to smile and say, “Sure.”
Although you don’t want a single piece of chocolate/candy, you say, “Good, so open the box.” She opens the box. You take a piece then start eating it. It tasted really good, so you pick up the box and look at the brand name then you put it gently on the table and say, “You should try a piece.”
She starts eating and you start talking about everything else under the sun. After you’ve both eaten most of what’s in the box you say, “Don’t you think this chocolate/candy is really great?”
“Yes. I like it,” She said.
“Good. Now tell me about the guy who bought you this delightful box of chocolate/candy. He has great taste.”
When she start talking be quiet~ Just listen!…

Friday, February 10, 2012

“Dangerous Reckless Action”

Playing some dangerous games~ Taking some reckless chances~ Playing Russian roulette… Be careful with yourself…

Thursday, February 9, 2012

“The Miser”

Expect to pay ten cents and get a dollar worth…

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

“No Cobbler in The Neighborhood”

I miss the old days~ I did take most of the important things in life for granted. As the old folks used to say, “You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.”
When I walked out the heels of my favorite shoes, I took them to Mr. Mark, the shoemaker. Mr. Mark always stopped what he was doing and I would show him what was wrong with my favorite shoes. He would look at the shoes, did not say a word to me, and he would start to repair the heels. On most occasions, there would be two or three gentlemen conversing with him about the political situations in Trinbago… This did not deter him from his work. I usually stood quietly, looking around the little cobbler’s shop… Now when my favorite shoe heels are gone, they are thrown out~ No cobbler in the neighborhood.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

“Just Hoping It Don’t”

A gorgeous blue sky~ Little streaks of clouds in the sky~ A beautiful sunny day in NY~ I am just soaking up the sunshine~ I'm not going to think or say what is supposed to be coming tomorrow~ I hope if I don't say the word, it won't come... hmm. It is just a beautiful day and I love it~ But there is a, “BUT”, about tomorrow. I’m just hoping it don’t come...

Monday, February 6, 2012


Talk does bring talk~ Yuh head eh make to wear hat alone~ Use your brain~ Think carefully.
They all accepted it as fact~ Even to the liar it was believable… Oui!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

“Mothers And Fathers”

Sunday, the first day of the week~ You know what to expect from your children~ Don’t pretend that you don’t know~ Do not ignore what is in front of you…

Saturday, February 4, 2012

“Some People Make Stupid Choices”

The bathroom pipe broke and water was dripping. The landlord sent his son who is a doctor to fix it. He fixed it the best he could then days later it started dripping again. The landlord is an iron worker, but he came to fix the dripping pipe~ The water stopped dripping~ It is running now…

“The LORD Is My Light And My Salvation”

Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

“His Hand In A Pit Bull’s Mouth”

When I got up yesterday morning, I was feeling like ‘A cat on a hot tin roof’~ Just apprehensive. I called my husband~ He was fine. Then I called my son, but he did not answer his phone… My daughter was in school, so I felt that if something was wrong, the school would call me.
I tried editing a book, but my nerves were still on override, so I played some music~ Faithful Is Our God –Hezekiah Walker then Morning Dance –Spyro Gyra. I calmed down a bit, but the thoughts were still flowing… My husband called and said our son was jumped by a pit bull and one of his hands ended up in the pit bull’s mouth…

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

“Bad Talking The Dead”

Sherrie and her cousin Troy were best friends. At times, people would ask them if they were sisters and they both answered, “Yes.” They spent hours on the phone talking about the ups and downs in their lives. At family gatherings, they would sit near to each other and talk about this and that.
On one occasion, Sherrie’s husband said to Troy’s boyfriend, “Don’t you think that Sherrie and Troy are too talkative?”
In a matter of fact voice, he said, “It is a natural thing with women. I have six sisters.”
“Well it annoys me.”
“If you let it annoy you, it will. I’m cool with it.”
Years went by, and Troy was getting married. Sherrie helped her plan the wedding. Everything was going smoothly until Troy suddenly passed away. It broke Sherrie’s heart but it was even worse to see how heartbroken Troy’s husband-to-be was. Sherrie’s husband was very indifferent and she paid little attention to his attitude. One day, she was reminiscing about the funny situations she and Troy experienced and it felt good to talk about her. Her husband looked sternly serious.
“Why do you look so grim?” she asked.
“You always act as though Troy was perfect!” He exclaimed.
“No I don’t, but why are you so angry?”
“One day, I had to meet with a client near her home~ After the appointment, I went to visit her. She came on to me and we did it!”
“We had sex! You guys talked a lot, but she did not tell you about that?”
Shock was an understatement~ Her cousin was dead~ How could she defend herself~ Sherrie detested people who bad-talk the dead and here was her husband doing the thing she hated…