Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Trinbagonians talk. (208) Vaccinations is Vital for Humans to Exist in a Germ-Free Way of Life. Everybody in this World have a Story to tell about Covid19.

No Vaccine, medication is 100% viable and I know that for a fact. All you hear about are the people who fell into the percentage that the vaccine doesn’t work for. I studied the anatomy and physiology of humans. I did get an A+ score, but that did not make me a doctor, scientist etc. I wish my mother and father were still alive and, I would go a step further and say my grand-parents alive today. My father was born in 1913 so he would have been 109. My mother was born in 1925 she would have been 97. I really would have liked to asked them, how people behaved when they heard that they needed to be vaccinated against; Small Pox, Yellow Fever, etc. I think it is your rights to say ‘NO’ to being Vaccinated, but do not tell me or try to convince me that I should not say ‘YES’ too vaccination.

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