Friday, April 12, 2019

Mothers also fathers you are the first support line for your pregnant daughter.

I have to re-post this. 
Pregnancy is a traumatic thing. With the different hormonal changes a woman go through while she is pregnant. It can be overwhelming to her especially when she is alone. She is faced with snide remarks from relatives, friends, and acquaintances. People can be mean. Even some mothers treat their pregnant daughters badly. Someone always has something to say to a pregnant woman. God or bad she sometimes doesn’t want to hear it. There are times she doesn’t even want to see or talk to anyone, and she doesn’t even want you touching her stomach.
I have two children, Paul, and Sarah. While I was pregnant with Paul I was faced with hurt, deceit and lies. A lot of hatefulness from two very close relatives. I kept it to myself. At one point, I wanted to die. Just end it all, but I know that God wanted me to live. He stopped me from taking that step. The ‘Our Father’ prayer saved my life. It came to me when I was having the desire to die.
Today when I see a woman pregnant, I say a silent prayer for her, hoping that she gets all the support she needs.
Without support trauma can take place and the baby can get hurt. The next time you see a pregnant woman, say a kind word to her. A sincere prayer for her to get strength and courage to face the days ahead. If you can’t do kindness, shut up!
Have a wonderful day and be safe.

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