Thursday, April 18, 2019

MMR; Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Rubella is German measles and that is a killer. Pregnant women have to stay as far as possible from anyone with rubella. It is harmful to the developing baby. The news is talking about measles but they are not saying which one it is. I can tell you my experience with Rubella. I was 18 or 19 years and it was Easter. A rash came out on my skin and I went to the hospital. The doctor said that it was allergies from the fish I ate on Good Friday. He gave me a shot and I went home. When I arrived home, I felt hot and my skin was itching so I showered. Minutes later I felt worst. My body was completely covered with the rash. There were spots in the palm of my hands, the white of my eyes had little red spots, when I looked at my finger nails, I could see little red spots through the nails. Even my toes had them. I also was burning up with a fever. I was sick, sick, sick. Feeling as though I would die. My parents became my doctors. My father, rubbed Calamine lotion all over my body. My mother made cinnamon tea for me to break the fever. I started to sweat so my mother kept changing my clothes and the sheets on the bed. The next day I went to my doctor, Dr. Gaskin and he told me it was Rubella. Measles is no joke. Get your shots ASAP.
Image result for rubellaImage result for rubella

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