Monday, April 29, 2019

Harold works in many buildings across the city. One day he went to do a job and as he was about to do the job the owner of the home, a white man walked in and he said, “What is this man doing in my home? I don’t want any of these people in my home!”

Harold took up his tools, put them in his bag and as he picked up his bag, the tech, a white man said, “Mr. Joseph is here to do the electrical part of this job.
“You can stay, but he needs to get out of my house!” The man shouted.
The tech was upset, but Harold told him don’t worry about that. I am leaving. Harold said he did not see a gun but the rage in the man’s voice had him worried that he might get shot. I worry about my husband, I worry about my son, I also worry about my daughter and I. There is nothing we can do we are descendants from the African race and I thank God for life.  

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