Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Happy Tuesday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe. Remember to listen to your child. Always get a glass of water before the conversation starts. When they are talking, you will know when they are ready to hear what you have to say. If you want to interrupt them, take a sip of water, it will stop you from interrupting. Keeping silent will let you know what is going on with your child. And when you hear what is going on, do not act as a judge ready to prosecute, impeach, arraign, indict or accuse. You are not perfect.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Harold works in many buildings across the city. One day he went to do a job and as he was about to do the job the owner of the home, a white man walked in and he said, “What is this man doing in my home? I don’t want any of these people in my home!”

Harold took up his tools, put them in his bag and as he picked up his bag, the tech, a white man said, “Mr. Joseph is here to do the electrical part of this job.
“You can stay, but he needs to get out of my house!” The man shouted.
The tech was upset, but Harold told him don’t worry about that. I am leaving. Harold said he did not see a gun but the rage in the man’s voice had him worried that he might get shot. I worry about my husband, I worry about my son, I also worry about my daughter and I. There is nothing we can do we are descendants from the African race and I thank God for life.  

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe. Remember there is no tomorrow. There is always today so do not waste time worrying about your naysayers. You are important to somebody so live your life and enjoy it.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

When will it end?

A wonderful safe Saturday to you and your family.

Ps. 19:14. Let the words of our mouth and the thoughts of our heart find favor before you, O LORD, our rock, and our redeemer. Amen.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Happy Friday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe. Remember; “A still tongue, keeps a wise head. Loose lips sink ships! Beware of unguarded talk." And I say, “Shut your mouth, if you are going to spittle hurt.”

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Picture this. One day you are walking in an area to get to another place. You are drinking a bottle of water, soda, or might be eating something. Whatever you were drinking and or eating you throw the bottle and the wrapper on the street. Someone gets killed in the area you litter. Now you are a person of interest. Stop littering. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Negroes – Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day – They change their mind” ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

They never changed their minds! Every day black men are faced with their loathing. Do not forget that the New York Police Department took and tested the DNA of 360 plus black men from Queens and Brooklyn for Karina Vetrano murder. They finally settling on Chanel Lewis and charged him. Dear God I pray for all my black brothers and sisters. Thank you, God for Grace and peace. Thank you, God for mercy. Amen.

Life without parole. Not only the court of public opinion tried Chanel Lewis, but the media and internet are doing their part. In order to justify it, every picture of him, on the news and on the internet etc., the woman who was tragically killed picture, is attached to his picture. They are creating a distasteful mood with this pappy-show. I wasn’t there so I don’t know what happened, but God is in charge, truth will prevail.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The old Trinbago folks used to say, “The vengeance of moko go fall on dem.” I don’t know who moko is, but I know God and he said, “Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.” Deuteronomy 32:35 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Someone once said to me, ‘All secrets need to be buried’. I wonder, how deep do you have to bury a secret so that it doesn’t prevail? But the bible says;

Mark 4:22. For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.

Matthew 10:26. Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Luke 12:2 Luke 8:17. Nothing has been covered that will not be exposed. Whatever is secret will be made known.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Today is Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. Jesus Eat the Passover with his disciples. Jesus wash his disciples’ feet.

    Related image     Image result for maundy thursday                                                               
MMR; Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Rubella is German measles and that is a killer. Pregnant women have to stay as far as possible from anyone with rubella. It is harmful to the developing baby. The news is talking about measles but they are not saying which one it is. I can tell you my experience with Rubella. I was 18 or 19 years and it was Easter. A rash came out on my skin and I went to the hospital. The doctor said that it was allergies from the fish I ate on Good Friday. He gave me a shot and I went home. When I arrived home, I felt hot and my skin was itching so I showered. Minutes later I felt worst. My body was completely covered with the rash. There were spots in the palm of my hands, the white of my eyes had little red spots, when I looked at my finger nails, I could see little red spots through the nails. Even my toes had them. I also was burning up with a fever. I was sick, sick, sick. Feeling as though I would die. My parents became my doctors. My father, rubbed Calamine lotion all over my body. My mother made cinnamon tea for me to break the fever. I started to sweat so my mother kept changing my clothes and the sheets on the bed. The next day I went to my doctor, Dr. Gaskin and he told me it was Rubella. Measles is no joke. Get your shots ASAP.
Image result for rubellaImage result for rubella

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

When Paul told me Notre Dame was on fire, I thought it was the college. I did not know that it was the Notre Dame Cathedral in France, until I saw it on one of my FB friends post. Sadness at the holiest time of the year for the Catholic Church. I know how it feels to sit in a catholic church and how more tranquil it feels to sit in a Cathedral. Thank God they are going to rebuild it.
Image result for notre dame cathedralImage result for notre dame cathedral

Our teenage years were the years we were wayward. We took chances. We had sex freely just for the trill of it. We walked on the most dangerous narrow pathways although we knew if we fall, we would break a body part. We said what we wanted to say, no matter how hurtful it might be to anybody. We did not listen to advice, although it made a lot of sense. We lie to cover the truth about what we did. We drank liquor mixing different drinks and gobbling it down not caring how drunk we got. We smoked weed although it was prohibited. Now our children are doing it and we wonder why? We behave as though we did not live the life of a teenager.

Monday, April 15, 2019

It really doesn’t matter how sorry you are for what you said, you cannot obliterate the spoken word, so before you speak, think about what you want to say. All the people who calls us the ‘N’ word, are always sorry when they get busted.
Ps. 19:14. Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before you, O LORD, my rock, and my redeemer. Amen.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Image result for Palm Sunday

A happy Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe. Remember if you see him with a woman do not decide that you are the better woman for him. If you see her with a man, do not decide that you are the better man for her. Do not be hell bent on worming your way into her life or his life. You were not his choice or her choice. If you make him or her your choice it will end in heartache.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Happy Saturday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe. Life is short and we truly have to be loving and kind to be happy. Take a sip of water to stop your lips from spilling hurt. Turn your radio on and listen to the music. Read your bible a chapter a day, it will teach you how to live your life and love it too.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Mothers also fathers you are the first support line for your pregnant daughter.

I have to re-post this. 
Pregnancy is a traumatic thing. With the different hormonal changes a woman go through while she is pregnant. It can be overwhelming to her especially when she is alone. She is faced with snide remarks from relatives, friends, and acquaintances. People can be mean. Even some mothers treat their pregnant daughters badly. Someone always has something to say to a pregnant woman. God or bad she sometimes doesn’t want to hear it. There are times she doesn’t even want to see or talk to anyone, and she doesn’t even want you touching her stomach.
I have two children, Paul, and Sarah. While I was pregnant with Paul I was faced with hurt, deceit and lies. A lot of hatefulness from two very close relatives. I kept it to myself. At one point, I wanted to die. Just end it all, but I know that God wanted me to live. He stopped me from taking that step. The ‘Our Father’ prayer saved my life. It came to me when I was having the desire to die.
Today when I see a woman pregnant, I say a silent prayer for her, hoping that she gets all the support she needs.
Without support trauma can take place and the baby can get hurt. The next time you see a pregnant woman, say a kind word to her. A sincere prayer for her to get strength and courage to face the days ahead. If you can’t do kindness, shut up!
Have a wonderful day and be safe.

18-year-old High School student, Jada M. McClain, of Neptune, New Jersey, suffocated her week-old baby boy. Her boyfriend 19-year-old Quaimere Mohammed, of Asbury Park threw the deceased baby boy, the mother called Legend, into a dumpster. The media first said that Quaimere Mohammed killed the baby but the truth about what happened eventually was revealed. Yes, blame a black person first. America as usual, at its best.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

America at its best. History repeating itself. In the span of ten days, three historically black Louisiana churches, in south central Louisiana's Cajun and Creole country were set ablaze
The son of a sheriff's deputy, Holden Matthews, 21 years is the suspect in the fires. The burning of Black Churches is meant to intimidate and put fear into black people. Racism is alive and well in America.
Image result for suspect in louisiana fire

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

They say that talcum powder gives you cancer. Well since I was a child Trinbagonians are using talcum powder. Every house in Trinbago had a bottle of Johnson’s baby powder. Even if there weren’t children in the house. Men, women and children used to powder their bodies after a bath. How come we didn’t have an outbreak of cancer? I believe that they probably added something new in the powder.

Image result for talcum powder

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Bronx, New York City was built over into low-income housing. On Monday, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, and the city’s first lady Chirlane McCray, officially opened the building--- St. Augustine Terrace at Fulton Ave. and 167th St. Low income people are getting help. Say what you want about the Catholic Church, but they always help the poor. I am not surprised that they did this and I believe that there is more help to come, for the destitute from the Catholic Church. Thanks be to God.

Image result for St. Augustine Terrace at Fulton Ave. and 167th St. in the Bronx,    Image result for what is the rent at the St Augustine's building in the bronx

Monday, April 8, 2019

A happy safe Monday to you and your family. The bible says it all. Most of us call ourselves Christians but Christianity is by words only.
Ps. 133. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. Amen.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Happy Sunday to you and your family. Remember listen to your children when they want to talk to you. Sip some water while they are talking, you will hear the truth. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Women take scary chances for money. The almighty dollar brings joy and heartache. Did you ever hear about Flashlight Annie? Do you know that she is just across the river from New York? Some prostitutes work almost every truck stop, and they set up shop at rest stops along the major highways across the US. There is a hill named Flashlight Annie, for the prostitutes who works near Exit 18 off Interstate 78 in New Jersey. At a truck stop, a trucker can get almost anything he wants. A hot meal, diesel fuel, a shower, a shave and sexual services. All they have to do is turn the CB to Channel 19 and listen to spicy talk from ladies of the night. A Texas trucker, Chopper says that he has driven 48 states, and it's everywhere. It has been stated that Prostitution is a part of trucking just as the CB radio and the interstate highway, since the 1940s. The area has been worked by three generations of Flashlight Annies - mother, daughter, granddaughter. Although the business of selling sex to truckers is virtually unnoticed by the public, it came to light when an Allentown prostitute was murdered at a New Jersey truck stop. Donna Marie Watson Daniels, known as "Blondie" at the Hunterdon and Kuhnsville truck stops, was found dead on Palm Sunday in her car at the Hunterdon Truck Center on Interstate 78, about five miles east of Phillipsburg. The 35-year-old woman died from "multiple gunshot wounds to the head," stated by the Hunterdon County Medical Examiner. This tragic situation did not stop Flashlight Annie. And life goes on.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Am I the only one who doesn’t like this commercial? A coke falls off the coke truck, rolls on the ground by a black woman’s foot, she picks it up and drinks it. WHY? I want to say more but it is a sister being degraded for a $1.00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyZSjgkDbLY

The nicest thing about my trip to Trinbago. One day one of our neighbors, Mr. Mitchell brought me 4 half ripe calabash mangoes, his wife sent for me. After 16 years they remembered that I love half ripe calabash mangoes. I sat on the porch, dipping pieces of my mango in salt and pepper. As I sat there eating and looking out, neighbors walking by stopped to say hello to me. That was a sweet nostalgic moment. The next day I walked through the neighborhood because I was going to visit my best friend Lystra, sister Lydia. It used to take me 10 minutes to get to the house Lystra grew up in, but that day it took me about an hour. I met so many friends and people I knew that we stood talking. One thing I can say is, the original Point Fortin people are still kind and respectful. Love them always.

My father always used to say, “When you see bad things happen to anybody, don’t feel sorry for them.” My sister always says, “Your own ants does bite you. Nobody else ants, does do that.” I watch how some family does undermine you, but karma is not a bitch. Karma is pay back for the hurtful, unkind thing you did. Your destiny... Your fate.
Have a wonderful safe day.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Most of us dream about going home to retire, but I wonder how safe it is. Yes, a lot goes on in the US, but why does some Trinbagonians have to be so heartless? When I went to Trinbago in 2005, I felt uncomfortable especially when I saw the welcome to Point Fortin sign. The area looked strange. A couple of months before I made my trip, a friend told me that Point Fortin was changed. Lots of trees were cut down and there are many squatters around the neighborhood. When I saw my home town, I felt anxious. What my friend told me was truth to my eyes. Point Fortin... Techier Village looked broken. On my last trip in 2011, it looked the same.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

‘I don’t think we figure out exactly who we are, all at once. It happens, over a long period of time. Piece by piece. We go through this life slowly but surely just collecting these little pieces of ourselves that we can’t really live without, until eventually we have enough of them, till we feel hole’. (Series NBC, This Is Us.)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A happy Tuesday to you and your family.

Vengeance is mine says the LORD; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.’ Deuteronomy 32:35.

For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Romans 13:4.

Monday, April 1, 2019

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It is a beautiful Spring morning. The sun is shining brightly but it is bitterly cold outside. 

Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Negroes – Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day – They change their mind” ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967) They never changed their minds! Every day black men are faced with their loathing. Three years ago, Karina Vetrano was found beaten and strangled in a Queens park. The New York Police Department took and tested the DNA of 360 black men from Queens and Brooklyn for her murder. They finally settling on Chanel Lewis and charged him. This young man looks as though he has a disability. His lawyers said that they recently found out that the police took the DNA of 360 plus black men before they charged Chanel Lewis. Dear God the devil is at hand. He never took his grasp off of black people. I pray for Chanel Lewis to get strength and courage to face the days ahead.  Thanks be to God truth prevails.