Sunday, November 13, 2016

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

When you believe in something you are trying to convince yourself that it is real or true. For all of you who are messaging me…   Some of you are messaging me very nice inspirational words and I think you for that… The other people who are messaging me and trying to tell me who God is. PLEASE NOTE! I do not believe in God! I know God! I don’t have to convince myself that he is real to me! He answers my prayers! I know for a fact that no religion is going to take any of us to heaven. So, do not try to convince me that you are sent by God to warn me of my religious stance. My religion was a stepping stone to getting to know God. I am a Catholic! One thing we had to know was the 10 commandments. I try my best to follow those rules to live a God-fearing life day by day. Yes, I did break a couple, but I know my, God and for all the blessings he showers on me I am forgiven. You need to check yourself first before you pounce on me!  

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