Friday, September 9, 2016

Some parents set goals for their children and to no avail they would change their minds. I thank God for the kind of parents my children have. I wanted Paul to be a surgeon even a podiatrist. He is so detailed, tender and neat when he does something that I said to myself he has blessed hands and eyes. He would be a very good doctor. Sarah wanted to be a forensic artist and she used to draw a lot of people. The only thing that upset me a bit was when she drew me with short legs. OK yes I am short but for one time she could have gone off course and given me some legs. Any way I was excited that she wanted that career, but she changed her mind. All we said was OK do what your heart’s desire and she is doing something else with her art. All humans have a gift and others love to make us stray from it. Parents need to start talking and listening to their children and stop suggesting what they should do. When you are looking in from the outside at a family you might believe that all is well but as the old Trinbago folks used to say, “Live with me then you know me.” Enjoy your day and be safe.

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