Monday, September 19, 2016

I don’t want to kill anyone’s joy but I don’t like it because there are too many creepy people on the internet. The average parent shares almost 1,500 photos — mostly on Facebook — of a children before they turn 5-years-old, according to Parent Zone
Children are precious, and I know that most parents love them, but I feel like posting pictures of their life story is just for the creeps! The child molester to add another picture to their collection of children pictures. Before I post a picture of Paul and Sarah I ask them first.
Some children ask their parents to stop… Don’t post their pictures, but they still do it. A young lady from Austria is suing her parents for posting picture of her on FB. I hope she wins and I hope more children would sue.

I feel if you want to post pictures, post pictures of yourself. Leave the precious ones out of it. 

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