Friday, December 12, 2014

“On a personal note. Just a hysterical moment in my life.” I really don’t know what happened. Oh yes I know. I looked at the clock without my glasses.

This morning when I woke up I felt sleepy, but I looked at the clock. It said 4:00 o’clock. That’s the time I wake every morning. I prayed then showered. While I was showering my husband came in the bathroom and he said, “Why are you bathing so early?”
It’s not early, it must be about 4:30.”
“No it is 2:45 in the morning.”
“Nah, you must be joking,” I said, thinking that he was teasing me.
“I’m going back to bed,” he said.
I finished showering and dressed, came into the bedroom, he was snoring; I put on my glasses and looked at the clock. It said 3:10. Now I am wide awake enjoying life, oui.

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