Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Remember how kind people used to be.”

I remember when adults disagree and their children did not know that they were having a disagreement. If we knew, we had to mind our own business. I remember when my parents weren’t talking to the neighbor. For more than eight months they were not speaking, but when we crossed paths with the neighbor we had to say good morning, good evening or goodnight to them. I remember when Christmas came; my father went to the neighbor’s house and called him out. When he came out, my father said, “Merry Christmas to you, the Misses and your children.” 
“Merry Christmas to you and yours,” The neighbor said and he extended his hand. My father put his hand in his and they shook hands, smiling as they said that the argument was stupid.
“You and your family are invited to my house for drinks and eats.”
“Thank you. We will come over and I extend the same to you and yours.”
The neighbor and his family came over to our house then we went to their house. It was real nice to eat and drink all the Christmas delight, while the adults talk about this and that, as they drink from their glass of liquor. Those were the days…

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