Friday, December 19, 2014

“On a personal note” Every fault is a fashion. Every mistake is a recipe.

One morning when my daughter was about six years, I was frying an egg for her. While the egg was frying the phone started ringing. I looked at the charger and around the kitchen. It wasn’t there. The egg was still frying, but I ran into the bedroom for it. Didn’t find it, stopped looking and went back to the egg. It was more than well done. The yellow and white was cooked and around the edges of the white was brown. I took it out of the frying pan, put it on a plate, and I told my daughter I was going to fry another.
She said, “Mom, around the white looks crunchy. Let me taste it.”
“Are you sure? I can fry you another.”
“Please give me.”
I put the plate in front of her, she took up the fork, started eating and I stood watching her. She ate it all then said, “That was yummy.”
I fried one for me, just like hers. It did taste good. Today my daughter is 17 and I still have to fry eggs for her like that. So every mistake in cooking is a recipe…  

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