Wednesday, December 24, 2014

“Do Not Deny Santa”

It just pisses me off when I hear people say to their children in a loud arrogant tone so that everyone around could hear, “THERE IS NO SANTA! HE DOES NOT EXIST! I BUY YOUR GIFT/S!” If you want to tell your child that it is your prerogative, you don’t have to tell the other children around. “But, what is your reason for telling them that you buy their gift/s? Is it because you need to be glorified? What the… Jesus!” Give me a freaking break.
When we were children, most of us were told that Santa is coming to town and he was bringing our gift/s if we are nice. If we were naughty, he was not bringing anything for us. Somewhere in your mind you were not sure that there was a Santa, but you played along. It gave you a jolly feeling.
Let children hold on to their innocence as long as possible. They already have to deal with the horrible situations that are lurking around. No where is safe today, so why take away the one innocent joyous moment they may have. I say do not deny SANTA. He is harmless...

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