Wednesday, December 31, 2014

“Guns, guns, guns! Oh what a horrible to end the year”

A 29 year old woman was accidentally shot and killed by her 2 yr old son. He took the pistol from her purse. They were out with young relatives shopping at a Wal-Mart in Idaho. Her family says that she is a responsible gun holder.
Lord, have mercy! This could have been the fate of any shoppers. 

As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Beh beh oui dor dor — Well, well yes!” It is December 31, 2014 in my area of the world, but it is January 1st. 2015 somewhere in the world.

You are reading this so thank God for life and seeing the last day of 2014 or the first day of 2015. Happy old year’s day, to you and yours or Happy New Year’s Day, to you and yours. I wish you and yours all the good things that life has to offer in 2015.  Enjoy the day and be safe.
No DRINKING and DRIVING and ROAD RAGE. Before you succumb to the two evils think about the people you love and the people who love you!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

“My Christmas Story”

A family friend and his son were going to baptize one Christmas Day and he invited us. Although we did not go to the same church and had the same religious views, we decided to go. After attending our church service we went to our friend’s baptismal service. When the service was over, I presented him and his son with a book each —The Gospel of St. Thomas and The Pilgrim’s Progress. Days later our friend phoned me and said, “The book you gave me ‘The Gospel Of St. Thomas, is not for me. It is against my religious views. I do not agree with any Catholic values. I am upset that you choose to give me a gift like that.”
While he was speaking I was thinking that I should say, ‘Ignorance is bliss to a fool’, but I said, “Did you read it?”
“No I did not.” He went on insulting me. “You Catholics worship idols, eat pork and worship on a Sunday. I hope you did not give my son the same book?”
I hung up the phone. When I told my husband he simply said, “Do you remember your favorite verse from The Bible?”
“Yes Proverb 18:2 ‘The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks,” I said.
“Okay so you know what I have been saying about him is true. He is a jackass!”
As time went by we ignored that character until he turned up at our home, one Christmas morning. We had just sat down to have breakfast —Pig-trotters souse, ham, scrambled eggs etc., When I heard his voice, I was hoping my husband did not invite this fool to join us, but knowing the kind of man he was, hoping for that would not happen. Our friend pulled out a chair and sat at the table. The moment I put a plate, cup, glass etc., in front of him, he took up the bowl of Pig-trotters souse and started to dish out some onto his plate. I looked at my husband with my eyes wide open. He smiled, shook his head for me not to say anything., but I said, “That is Pig-trotters souse!”
“I know,” said the fool and he continued dishing out.
 I looked at my husband and had a smile on his lips as he shook his head for me not to say anything.
“I whispered, “Hypocrite.”…
To all that this day brings into my space, I am just going to say~ Thank you God for everything!
A wonderful safe day to you and yours and remember, Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house. He will become weary of you and hate you. Prov. 25:17

Monday, December 29, 2014

“A scary state of affairs is being portrayed in the news as though it is just a blasé situation.

The most troubling thing that is taking place in New York at the end of 2014; some New York police officers are turning their back on the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio. It is shameful, insulting, disrespectful and frightening. If they can do this to the Mayor who are we? The world is watching the United States of America.

“Just say thanks. It is a prayer of admiration”

“He who rushes from his bed to his business and waiteth not to worship is as foolish as though he had not put on his clothes, or cleansed his face, and as unwise as though he had dashed into battle without arms or armor. Be it ours to bathe in the softly flowing river of communion with God, before the heat of the wilderness and the burden of the day begins to oppress.”
At Jesus’ Feet By Doug Batchelor

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Feast of the Holy Innocents or Childermas; Holy Innocents’ Day.

This festival is celebrated in some Christian churches on December 28th and other Christian churches on December 29th. It is to commemorate the massacre of the children by King Herod. He wanted to kill the infant Jesus. (Mat. 2:16-18).
In medieval England, children were reminded of the mournfulness of the day by being whipped in bed. This custom continued until the 17the century.
I remember going to church on this day. The church used to be full of children with their toys. The priest blessed the toys. It was fun. The last time I went to church on Holy Innocents’ Day my daughter was 10. She took her DS to be blessed then she stayed for the party they had for them. She had lots of fun...  

“Another day! Another story! Someone else story is worst than yours.”

In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you. ― Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
If all misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart.Socrates (469- 399 BCE)
And I repeat “If we were all asked to write our troubles on a piece of paper, throw it in a pile then we were told to take one and it will become ours. After reading the one we took, we will throw it back in the pile and try to get the one we threw in.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

“Woman --- Physiology”

Men need to make a decree to take an interest in the life issues of their woman. Read up about; Menstruation— The pre-menstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps.
Child-birth— Postpartum depression. Baby blues after childbirth is real.
Menopause— One moment she feels hot, hot, hot. The next moment she is freezing. One minute she is happy and the next minute she is crying. The aches and pains in her body, etc.
If men delve deeply into women issues they would be kind, loving and understanding to their woman…

Friday, December 26, 2014

“Did you leave a peppermint stick for old Saint Nick? Did you hang it on the Christmas tree?

I hope you got what you wanted. I did … The world did not end. I am enjoying my 54th Christmas. A HAPPY SAFE, AND ENJOYABLE CHRISTMAS, KWANZAA and HANUKKAH to you and yours. No DRINKING and  DRIVING and ROAD RAGE. Before you succumb to the two evils think about the people you love and the people who love you…

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

“Do Not Deny Santa”

It just pisses me off when I hear people say to their children in a loud arrogant tone so that everyone around could hear, “THERE IS NO SANTA! HE DOES NOT EXIST! I BUY YOUR GIFT/S!” If you want to tell your child that it is your prerogative, you don’t have to tell the other children around. “But, what is your reason for telling them that you buy their gift/s? Is it because you need to be glorified? What the… Jesus!” Give me a freaking break.
When we were children, most of us were told that Santa is coming to town and he was bringing our gift/s if we are nice. If we were naughty, he was not bringing anything for us. Somewhere in your mind you were not sure that there was a Santa, but you played along. It gave you a jolly feeling.
Let children hold on to their innocence as long as possible. They already have to deal with the horrible situations that are lurking around. No where is safe today, so why take away the one innocent joyous moment they may have. I say do not deny SANTA. He is harmless...

“Don’t knock the gift/s.” ours.

Again I received my Christmas gift from the vegetable store. A bag of onions and as usual I said, “I guess they decided to give me something to cry about.”
And as usual my son said, “Remember when you are crying, it’s the thought that counts. Do not knock the gift. Just say thanks.”
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

“Dollar Devils”

Luke 2:14. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men of good will.”
When Christmas was about the birth of Jesus Christ … Peace on earth good will towards men, lots of peace, kindness and love was floating in the air. Today, “Peace on earth good will towards men is a NO! NO!
Christmas is all about financial power… the amount of money the Dollar Devils intends to grasp. Today the Dollar Devils are triumphant. They are beaming from the millions, billions, trillions of dollars that is floating into their clutch. Christmas is no longer about, “Happy birthday Jesus. I’m so glad it's Christmas. All the tinsel and lights and the presents are nice, but the real gift is you. Happy birthday Jesus. I’m so glad it’s Christmas. All the carols and bells make the holiday swell and it’s all about you. Happy Birthday Jesus. Jesus I love you.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Don’t judge me. I am an author. My scheming mind has been on over-ride since childhood.

Is it me or did you ever feel or believe that this lady was having an affair with Santa Claus, and his father wasn’t going to be laughing. Oh drama.
I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, underneath the mistletoe last night. She didn’t see me creep, down the stairs to have a peek. She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep. Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus, underneath his beard so snowy white. Oh, what a laugh it would have been, If Daddy had only seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

“Guns! Guns! Guns! An invention that causes pain in every way possible! A sad, sad affair.”

Brooklyn, NY— Two police men shot and killed, The shooter shot his girlfriend first, the policemen then himself. One man shot Newark, NJ A man dies after being shot by a security gard.
Bronx, NY — A woman shot and killed.
Brooklyn, NY — Multiple shots fired through an apartment door in Bedford Stuyvesant.
Tabernacle, NJ  — Mother shot her 3 children then she shot herself.
I can go on and on. What is the sense of these tragic events? All I can say about this is that guns were invented to kill and that is what the gunslingers are doing.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

"Eleven Hints for Life" — Author Unknown

Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

"Eleven Hints for Life" — Author Unknown

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

"Eleven Hints for Life" — Author Unknown

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

"Eleven Hints for Life" — Author Unknown .

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

"Eleven Hints for Life" — Author Unknown

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

"Eleven Hints for Life" — Author Unknown

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

“For there is no one who does not sin” 1 Kings 8:46

When we sit in the Pharisees’ pew, throwing stones at others in judgment and accusation, we may one day witness the finger of Jesus writing our sins in the dust for all to see. — At Jesus’ Feet, Doug Batchelor

Friday, December 19, 2014

“On a personal note” Every fault is a fashion. Every mistake is a recipe.

One morning when my daughter was about six years, I was frying an egg for her. While the egg was frying the phone started ringing. I looked at the charger and around the kitchen. It wasn’t there. The egg was still frying, but I ran into the bedroom for it. Didn’t find it, stopped looking and went back to the egg. It was more than well done. The yellow and white was cooked and around the edges of the white was brown. I took it out of the frying pan, put it on a plate, and I told my daughter I was going to fry another.
She said, “Mom, around the white looks crunchy. Let me taste it.”
“Are you sure? I can fry you another.”
“Please give me.”
I put the plate in front of her, she took up the fork, started eating and I stood watching her. She ate it all then said, “That was yummy.”
I fried one for me, just like hers. It did taste good. Today my daughter is 17 and I still have to fry eggs for her like that. So every mistake in cooking is a recipe…  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Remember how kind people used to be.”

I remember when adults disagree and their children did not know that they were having a disagreement. If we knew, we had to mind our own business. I remember when my parents weren’t talking to the neighbor. For more than eight months they were not speaking, but when we crossed paths with the neighbor we had to say good morning, good evening or goodnight to them. I remember when Christmas came; my father went to the neighbor’s house and called him out. When he came out, my father said, “Merry Christmas to you, the Misses and your children.” 
“Merry Christmas to you and yours,” The neighbor said and he extended his hand. My father put his hand in his and they shook hands, smiling as they said that the argument was stupid.
“You and your family are invited to my house for drinks and eats.”
“Thank you. We will come over and I extend the same to you and yours.”
The neighbor and his family came over to our house then we went to their house. It was real nice to eat and drink all the Christmas delight, while the adults talk about this and that, as they drink from their glass of liquor. Those were the days…

“For there is no one who does not sin” 1 Kings 8:46

When we sit in the Pharisees’ pew, throwing stones at others in judgment and accusation, we may one day witness the finger of Jesus writing our sins in the dust for all to see. — At Jesus’ Feet, Doug Batchelor

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I had to post this again — “Who Is Ugly”

One day a man in drab clothes was standing outside a store. He was not bothering anyone. The store owner —a very insulting kind of man, said to the poor man, “Why the hell, don’t you move your ugly ass from here!?” The poor man looked at him and said, “Son you calling me ugly? God did not make anybody ugly, but when your heart is ugly, then you see people as ugly.

I had to post this again — “Who Am I”

Ugliness is really a state of mind. The first day I met him, I said to myself that he is ugly. Although I was thinking that way about him, he was the help I needed to complete a business transaction. I said good morning to him, then I asked him a question. He had a very nice voice and he spoke very politely to me, yet ugliness was still on my mind. After our conversation, I went away feeling happy that my business was completed in a professional and valuable manner. Weeks later I had to take some documents to his office. My son –14 and daughter –8 were with me. When we walked into his office I introduced them to him. They smiled and shook his hand. He asked my son a question and as they started talking, my daughter intervene, stating that she did not agree with a point. They both sat talking to him for more than 20 minutes and I was impressed with how expressive they were. When we left my daughter said, “He is a kind man.”
“Yes. Also polite and smart,” My son said.
I was thinking, “My children did not see ugly. Who am I to think that this man was ugly?”

I had to post this again — "Mad, foolish, crazy, barmy, nutty, nuts, round the bend, mentally disturb”

If our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit then it must be a part of heaven. When I was a child I used to laugh when I saw anyone dressed in lewd, undignified and humiliating ways… exposing heaven.
When I was a teenager, I was out shopping with my favorite sister Claudette. A woman walked by us and she was dressed in a very bad way, exposing heaven. I started to laugh and Claudette looked at me seriously. I kept laughing and wondered how she could not see how funny the lady looked.
“Oh LORD. Stop laughing. It is not funny. That woman must be mad to leave her home dressed like that. We don’t know the circumstances of anyone’s demeanor, so you must not laugh at people. Anything can happen to anyone of us in a flash so that could be me or you one day,” Claudette said. I stopped laughing and I felt embarrassed, but I learnt a lesson…
Enjoy your day, be safe and remember that you have your own situation going on, but you don’t know what the other person is going through. Have empathy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

“There is a war on children”

Gunmen shoot up a school in Pakistan, 126 people killed and 122 injured. 100 of the dead were school children. Cruelty rules the world — 2012, Sandy Hook 21 killed. 20 were children. 219 girls kidnapped in Nigeria and I can go on and on. There is a war on children.

There are so many hurtful people in the world. LORD you know I don’t wish people bad, but for all the violent, sadistic, hurtful things that are being dished out, especially on innocent children, I hope the executor sees their victim/s face on judgment day. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

“Life is short. Be kind, gentle, loving and sincere”

I don’t know how your day started and how it is progressing … Good or bad say, “Thank you God for making me see another day.”
Do not leave your home without saying goodbye. Remember to buy the gift you promised to buy.
I wish you strength and courage to face the day. Enjoy it and be safe. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

“The best Quotes in the whole wide world”

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man... the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Humans merely share the earth. We can only protect the land, not own it. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

“As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you. One thing we know: there is only one God. No man, be he Red Man or White man, can be apart. We are brothers after all.” ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

“The earth does not belong to us. We belong to the earth.” ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Blackman still marching … walking to be free.

Negroes - Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day - They change their mind. ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

“Do you know La Diablesse, the devil’s bride?”

I got up 4:30 this morning. It is now after seven and outside looks like dusk. You know the period after day, just before night. It looks a bit disturbing as though La Diablesse is out and ready to woo the man who passes by. To all the men who get taken in by attractive women, you better be very careful when you meet one today, especially a woman who entice you, to follow her. You better look down at her feet to make sure one of her legs is not a satanic cloven foot… oui.

Friday, December 12, 2014

“On a personal note. Just a hysterical moment in my life.” I really don’t know what happened. Oh yes I know. I looked at the clock without my glasses.

This morning when I woke up I felt sleepy, but I looked at the clock. It said 4:00 o’clock. That’s the time I wake every morning. I prayed then showered. While I was showering my husband came in the bathroom and he said, “Why are you bathing so early?”
It’s not early, it must be about 4:30.”
“No it is 2:45 in the morning.”
“Nah, you must be joking,” I said, thinking that he was teasing me.
“I’m going back to bed,” he said.
I finished showering and dressed, came into the bedroom, he was snoring; I put on my glasses and looked at the clock. It said 3:10. Now I am wide awake enjoying life, oui.

“In most situations it can be disrespectful to put your hand on a man or a woman, if they are not related to you.”

It does not matter if he or she is royalty. A man should have respect for another man by not putting his hand on the man's wife/girlfriend. It is disrespectful. Which man likes another man to hug his wife/girlfriend, especially when they are being photographed? How would you feel when you look at the picture, your hand is not on your significant other, but another man’s (not even a relative) hand, is on her? It is damn disrespectful.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

“None of us could handle liquor! Liquor handles us!”

***CHRISTMAS***KWANZAA***HANUKKAH*** Yes it is December, the last month of the year. The month for all of us to be jolly, ebullient, cheerful, happy, jovial and cheery not drunk. If you get drunk, do not drive. Let someone drive you home. Enjoy the activities and the eats, but leave the alcoholic beverage alone!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

“Another Day … Another Story”

It has been raining since two this morning. Outside looks like twilight. A nor’easter is heading our way and I know if it gets here, there will be more showers of blessings and wind galore. I love the rain, it makes me feel calm. The best thing about this day… it’s raining not snowing. If you have to go out in it, remember the umbrella, but it may not survive the wind. Enjoy your day and be safe. 

Monday, December 8, 2014


Compassion, Pity, Clemency, Kindness, Sympathy, Understanding, Leniency, Humanity, FORGIVENESS! However you want to say it, it means MERCY!
Like I said and have been saying, “Yes you are upset that your child/children did something you deem unforgivable, yet you call yourself a Christian… hmm.”
We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness.Frederick William Robertson (1816 -1853)  “On Christmas morning give your child/Children the gift/gifts you have for them and make it a Merry Christmas for you all. A little MERCY goes a long way…

Give it with a clean heart. Do not give it with a dirty heart … The heart that wants recognition. “What would Jesus do!?”

Matthew 8:1-4. When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “LORD, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.” A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

“Mother Father Caregiver”

Magnanimity~ Great generosity!
Openhandedness~ Kindness!
Thoughtful~ Considerate!
Humanity~ Compassionate!
Empathy~ Understanding!
Responsible~ Accountable
This is who you are and take it on full-blast. At this joyous time of the year do not be so angry with your child/children because of that failing grade, that situation which might have caused a suspension etc. This is the point where you have to let ‘EGO’go. Sit quietly and think about the moment you went wrong in your child/children’s lives. That moment when you were not generous, did not show kindness, was not considerate, compassionate, understanding. Hold yourself accountable for a moment. In that quiet moment, ask God to help you fix it all. Yes you are angry with your child/children and you have decided not to give them the gift that you already purchased or were going to buy. Think carefully about your child/children and the one or two or more moments of generosity, kindness, considerate, compassionate and understanding moments that they bestowed on you. On Christmas morning, give your child/children the gift/gifts you have for him/her and make it a Merry Christmas for you all…

As Lord Brigo said, “Doh (don’t) beat mamma Po-Po. Like you want to spoil the child’s, beauty.”

I believe that there is a better way to discipline children. Somebody has to break the chain of painful and hurtful punishment. Do not let your child/children believe that licks or beating is the right and only way to defuse a situation. Oh gosh doh beat them. Find another way to discipline them. A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Lord Brigo- Shake Up

They may say that you working obeah. They may say that you working voodoo too. If your husband is a wild man. Only running plenty woman, he could stop quite easily, if you only listen to me. In the morning or evening make love to your husband in the latest fashion. Charity begins at home. Charity begins at home.
You must kiss him all about. Let him eat from out your mouth. Let him oil your skin. Oil your skin. When you out for him.
Shake up your bumsee. Shake it. Shake it. Show him that you sexy. Shake up. Shake up.
It’s easy to trap your husband. If you really want him to cling to you. Keep your bed and your bedroom tidy. Always make sure you looking healthy. On weekends make him a pie. If you come out to have him tied. Pin your undies on your pillow, around fo-day morning. As soon as you wake him, put on a see-through nighty. Make sure you looking sexy. If you want him to cling to you. If you want him cling to you, do things you recall, the outside girl, mighten do at all.
Shake up your bumsee. Shake it. Shake it. Show him that you sexy. Shake up. Shake up.
Housewife you must love your husband. No matter what he may say or do. If he rough, not to rough him. If he cheat you. You got to kiss him. Where the colors that he love best, when you going to be his best. In the morning or evening, make love to your husband in the latest fashion. Charity begins at home. Charity begins at home. Kiss your husband all about, let him eat from out your mouth, let him oil your skin. Oil your skin. When you out for him. Shake up your bumsee, Shake it, shake it. Show him that you sexy. Shake up. Shake up…

Friday, December 5, 2014

“Victims don’t talk”

I believe something happened between Bill Cosby and the women who said that he violated them. For all of you who are saying that you do not believe them because they are now coming forward, after so many years, I say, “You have to be in it to know it.” When you are violated, you feel hurt and embarrassment. You also feel that no one will believe you so you do not talk.
Parents talk to your child/children and remember that your friends are not their friends.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

“Life is what you make”

Be happy with what you have. Stop wanting to be like the Joneses, wanting to have what they have. Mr. and Mrs. Jones don’t give a damn about you. 

Why worry about tomorrow when you can do it today. Enjoy your day and be safe.

“Choked to death”

“I pray that Eric Garner’s family get strength and courage to face the days ahead. The coroner said that choking was the cause of death. The video proved it, but the killer walks free. I am not surprised. ”
A police officer’s duty is to PROTECT and SERVE the general public, but the majority of them HARMS and OPPRESSES the Black man. Harming and oppressing the Black man is no big thing to them because they are protected by the law. The United States of America is not a bed of roses for the Black man. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

“Quotes I like”

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu (604 BC, Zhou Dynasty

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” — Lao Tzu (604 BC, Zhou Dynasty)

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.Lao Tzu (604 BC, Zhou Dynasty

“The past has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that. What is grievance? The baggage of old thought and emotion.” ― Lao Tzu, (604 BC, Zhou Dynasty)

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” ― Albert Schweitzer, (1875-1965)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Just the other day it was January 1st, 2014 today is December 1st, 2014. Another year skated by. January 01, 2015 is almost here.

Be on your p’s and q’s.

If anyone ask you for directions, you know it so you give it to them then they say, “Can you please show me?”
Do not go with them. Some of these people are not lost they just want to harm you. Speak to your child/children about strangers even the acquaintance they see you speak to day by day. An acquaintance is not a friend and they should not be conversing with your child/children. Remember your friends are not your child/children’s friend.

Ps. 104:19-26.

You made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows the hour of its setting. You bring darkness, and it is night; then all the beasts of the forest roam about: Young lions roar for the prey and seek their food from God. When the sun rises, they withdraw and couch in their dens. Man goes forth to his work and to his tillage till the evening. How manifold are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you have wrought them all — the earth is full of your creatures; the sea also, great and wide, in which are schools without number of living things both small and great. And where ships move about with Leviathan which you formed to make sport of. Have a blessed safe and enjoyable day.