Wednesday, September 17, 2014

“Those Evil Tormenters”

I am not telling anyone to manhandle anybody’s child/children because you know a tormenter belongs to somebody, but mothers, fathers and caregivers pay attention to your children. The things that are done to them and the things they do to others.
I have to post this again.
“Boys, will be boys” meant that boys would do something out of the normal. It may end in laughter or some may get hurt, ending up in the hospital with cuts, bruises, broken hands, feet, but no major misfortune. Today, “Boys will be Boys” means one of them may end up DEAD!
Twenty-one years ago my son –Paul started public school in NY. He was 3yrs and small in size, but because of his date of birth, he was eligible to start. Although he turned four in a couple of weeks after school started, I used to be worried about him. Pre K and Kindergarten went by without a hitch, but the drama started in first grade. Everyday he got home from school we would chat about his day. One day when he arrived home he looked upset. I asked him what was wrong, he insisted that he was fine so I did not press him, but I was on the alert. The next day when I took him to school, he went to meet his friends and I stood where he could not see me. They were playing and enjoying themselves when another boy, much bigger in size, ran up to them and grabbed Paul’s hand. He tried to get away, but the boy was pulling him.
“Let me go! I don’t want to play with you!” Paul shouted. His other friends stood looking on with fear on their faces. I knew if I spoke to the teacher or the principal about this, it would go no where. They would just give me some kind of blasé response so I decided to handle the situation.
“Let him go right now!” He did and he stood looking at me. “Now you listen to me. Don’t you ever touch him again or say anything to him! If you do I will come in this school and drag your little ass across the grounds. You could bring your mother, your father, your aunts and uncles. I will drag all of them.”
“Miss Joseph, I am sorry. I will not do it again.”
“Good! Now play nice with everybody.” That was the end of that.

There are so many outcomes when you report a bully. No one really listens to your complaint. No one cares about your situation. You are considered to be a miserable parent, who thinks that your child is better than the other children. Your child is reckon to be the cause of his/her misfortune. The bully ends up glorified. Today glorification may not last long, it may end in death of the bully or the one who is being bullied. A sad, sad affair. Pay attention to your children. Stop the bullying…

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