Saturday, September 20, 2014

“Educators Are Caregivers”

I like teachers/professors only because of what the profession stands for. Although they are educators, they are caregivers. Many of them are in that profession for the money and the holidays. Over my 54 years, I have interacted with more than 60 teachers. Many of them were very good teachers and caregivers. — Empathetic to their students. Some of them were very hurtful.
When a child misbehaved in their class,—(Elementary School) they were allowed to do the class work, but were banned from play time and other social activities. It used to hurt my heart when fun time was about to start, the children who misbehaved had to get their backpacks and other belongings, leave the class and go to another class. I watched their faces and how hurt they looked as they were leaving. One day I had a birthday party for my son and the teacher told three boys to get their belongings and go to Miss-so-and-so’s class.
I whispered to the teacher, “I brought party bags for them, can I give it to them?”
“Not now Miss Joseph, but leave the bags on my desk, I will give it to them when the party is over.”
When the party was over and they came back to class, she gave them the party bags. I saw the sweet smiles on their faces and I felt good, but that was the last party I had at school for my son. Years later my daughter asked me to have a birthday party for her at school. I told her I did not like parties at school, but after she pleaded I decided too. Four boys were not allowed in the party. I asked the teacher if I could give them the bags I made for them.
“No Miss Joseph. They were very disruptive in class and they are not going to have anything from the party.”
“Can I leave the bags with you so you can give it to them after the party?”
“No. You can share them with the class or take them back home,” She said in an unbending tone.
 The boys left the class with the hurt look on their faces and I was pissed, but had to smile like I was happy.
Holding back food from anyone should not be punishment for a crime. You don’t know if that is the only meal that person would have for the day…

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