Monday, June 17, 2013

“One Word To Describe Her”
My baby sitter died this morning. We had beautiful moments. Every time I arrived at her home I would be holding my pillow and sucking my finger. There was a little bench in the kitchen and I would sit on it. She would say, “Good morning Alla.”
I would stare at her. What she did not know was that I was saying good morning in my mind.
She would say, “So you are vex with sugar.” I would keep sucking my finger and stare at her and she would continue speaking, “Those who vex with sugar, will drink tasteless tea.” (Trinbagonians know tea for us would be either, Milo, Cocoa, Ovaltine, etc.) I still stared at her then she said, “Those who vex with sugar, will suffer for tea.”
I would say, “I’m not hungry so I don’t want any tea.”
She would say, “Ok we will see.”
Three hours later I would say, “Miss. Crich, can I get some tea please.”
“She would say, “You remember what I told you, “Vex with sugar, your tea would be tasteless. No sugar in your tea.”
“Please put some sugar in it.”
My finger would be back in my mouth and my pillow in my hand as I sit on the bench feeling sad. She would smile when she handed me a cup of Milo. I would say thank you then take a sip. A smile would cross my lips as I tasted the sweet Milo. She would smile a little more.
There is only one word to describe her. “KIND!”…

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